Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1104: 1104: Get together for an engagement banquet (8)

"He won't come back to find you and make peace, okay?"

Cui Can couldn't help asking, now that Ning Huanxin is so popular, Lin Chu is an agent, and her ex-husband is also an agent, naturally knowing how valuable Ning Huanxin is now.

As long as you can get a relationship with Ning Huanxin or Jiang Lixing, you can make an unheard-of eighteenth line immediately become a first-rate or second-rate star in the entertainment industry.

This is a great allure!

Cui Can has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. Because of the Jiang family's relationship and Jiang Lixing's temper, no one dares to have a relationship with him these years.

But Lin Chu is different. She has no background and is still a newcomer. Although she only has one Ning Huanxin, her popularity is super high!

"He came back to find me to reconcile, but how could I agree?"

Lin Chu smiled tauntingly: "Even if I die, I won't get back together with him, but..."

"Is he pestering you?"

Cui Can shook his wine glass aside: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? I'll fix it for you."


Cui Can has a very wide network of contacts in this circle, and Lin Chu has seen his methods.

Perhaps many people think that Cui Can is so unscrupulous in this circle because of Jiang Lixing and Jiang's family, but Lin Chu understands that Cui Can has real skills.

Just being an agent is really burying talents.

"Okay, if I have something to do, I will find you as soon as possible. On such a happy day today, let's not mention such a disappointing topic. Come on, cheers!"

Lin Chu suddenly raised his wine glass and tilted his head at Cui Can with a smile. This smile was very bright.

"Well, cheers!"

Cui Can and Lin Chu touched their cups.

At this time, Cui Can noticed a very cold gaze, staring at the position of himself and Lin Chu.

He didn't look up, let alone look for it, because he knew who the gaze belonged to.

"It's almost time."

Cui Can looked at his watch: "Let's go help!"

While talking, Cui Can pulled Lin Chu into the circle of reporters and rescued Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing.

"Dear friends from the press, we have arranged a special seat for you. Please sit down and watch the premiere soon."


Finally freed from the clutches of those Yuji, Ning Huanxin let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Jiang Lixing took her hand, and the two sat in the front row.

The scenes in the first episode are mainly composed of Jiang Lixing alone, while Hua Ling'er played by Ning Huanxin will appear in Mingyue's memories at the end of the first episode, with only two scenes.

But Ning Huanxin is still looking forward to these two shots.

"How do you feel about seeing yourself on a TV screen for the first time?"

Jiang Lixing tilted his head slightly and looked at Ning Huanxin. Now the countdown on the screen is almost over, and the TV series will be broadcast soon.

Because of the high popularity, a lot of Ning Huanxin shots were added to the opening of the TV series.

In fact, Jiang Lixing is also looking forward to it.

"It's kind of weird, this feeling."

Just like taking close-ups with the camera for the first time, Ning Huanxin's mood is really strange.

Today, for her, it is destined to be an unforgettable day in a lifetime.

When the melodious opening song sounded, the familiar figure appeared on the screen. It was Jiang Lixing and Mingyue.

A fairy robe, Fengshen handsome.

As soon as the camera flickered, Ning Huanxin saw Luo Yingxin and herself.

No, that is Hualinger.

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