Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1113: 1113: Blessing in the group (2)

After struggling for a long time, Hei Wuchang returned the news to Ning Huanxin.

Heiwuchang: I really don't know this. At the beginning, I didn't know that His Highness was in Yangjian, let alone the relationship between you and His Highness, but...this possibility, shouldn't it be an accident?

The underground WeChat system will not be bound to mortals for no reason. Heiwuchang still knows this.

Heiwuchang also suspected that everything was arranged by Jiang Lixing from the beginning.

But this kind of irresponsible speculation, he dare not say!

Master Pluto knows it, it will kill you!


A stubborn trick: I see, Brother Black, I have done a lot of WeChat missions in the underworld, and I can help you, isn't it?

Heiwuchang: This must be true. You are very good at Huanxin.

Hearing Heiwuchang's answer, Ning Huanxin's heart felt a little more relieved, as long as he could help.

He's a fool: Brother Hei, let me ask you a question, Axing, he... what was he like when he was in the underworld?

Ning Huanxin was really curious about Jiang Lixing's status as the "King of Qin Guang".

After all... what did Master Pluto look like when he was in the underworld?


This question is too difficult, Baye, I refuse to answer!

Heiwuchang sent an ellipsis and decided to play dead.

Ning Huanxin was also speechless, but she also guessed a little bit--maybe, Ah Xing was scary in the underworld?

Seeing Heiwuchang and never answering, Ning Huanxin closed the chat window. Unexpectedly, at this time, people in the group were still discussing enthusiastically—

Drowned: How about we send some gifts to Huanxin!

Toilet girl ghost: Is there anything in the world? There are no special products in our underworld, and it is not suitable for ordinary people to eat!

Faceless Ghost: Huanxin is not a mortal, she is better than a mortal.

Hungry Ghost: If we don't wait for the Mid-year Festival next year, we will go to her house together, maybe she has a son.

Too much:...

How can it be so fast! What calculation method is this!

I'm a fool: Thank you everyone. I am happy after receiving your blessings. Maybe... I have a chance to go to Fengdu City in the future. I will visit you!

Toilet girl ghost: Pooh! Pooh! Tong Yan Wuji! You have to live a hundred years!

Drowned Ghost: That is, although we miss you very much, we don't want to expect you to die early.

Foolish: Well, well, I live a long life, a long life, a thousand years old, I went to bed first, today is really tired.

Toilet girl ghost: Happily, go and rest! Sleeping too late can easily get old!

Hanged Ghost: Good night

Foolish: Good night everyone.

Ning Huanxin said goodbye to the people in the group, after which she quit WeChat and sent another short message to Jiang Lixing——

I'm asleep, Axing, good night.

After doing all this, Ning Huanxin put the phone on the bedside, lying on the big bed, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, Ning Huawei and his wife planned to return to Yancheng. Naturally, Ning Huanxin and Gu Xiao drove by themselves and sent their parents to the airport.

Before Ning Huawei and his wife got on the plane, the family arranged to spend New Year's Eve together in Yanjing.

It is rare for their family to get together. Ning Huawei has actually made plans. After he returns, he will transfer all the company's business to Yanjing as soon as possible. In the future, the family will never be separated.

Watching the plane take off, Gu Xiao firmly grasped Ning Huanxin's hand.

"Heart, go back."


Ning Huanxin nodded, everything came to an end, and she should practice well.

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