Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1121: 1121: Is this a test?

In fact, Ning Huanxin is also very curious.

Since Gu Xiao handled the transfer procedures for her, the school would definitely not deliberately arrange Ning Huanxin at 808, but now, she has got the key to 808. There are only two possibilities—

One may mean Gu Xiao.

Another possibility is that someone else moved their hands and feet to deliberately let Ning Huanxin stay in 808.

No matter which possibility it was, Ning Huanxin felt it necessary to go to 808 to take a look.

From the moment she came to the outside of the dormitory, she felt a strange, fleeting breath in the dormitory.


Ning Huanxin’s mobile phone has a WeChat system in the underworld. If there is a murder case, her WeChat system will automatically search for the WeChat task to publish it.

But until now, Ning Huanxin's phone hasn't responded.

Therefore, she believes that 808 may really have some secrets, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Xiaodie, have you forgotten who I am?"

Ning Huanxin pulled Xie Yudie aside and talked to her lowly: "Actually, my elder brother deliberately arranged me here this time, to test me."


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xie Yudie stared. Is this a test?

Ning Huanxin now lives in Gu's family, and her identity was known by the major media and major families at the time of the engagement banquet, but no one dared to report it.

Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, Xie Yudie was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved: "It turns out that it is like this. You said it earlier, it scared me to death!"

Xie Yudie only learned about the Gu family's greatness from her father's words. Later, she once asked Zhou Han, and Zhou Han told her that the Gu family is very powerful and Gu Xiao is very powerful, even Ning Huanxin... It is much more powerful than imagined.

Xie Yudie believed in Zhou Han's words.

Although she didn't know when Ning Huanxin started cultivating, or what she was capable of, these were not important to her.

She just knew that her good sister was very good.

"Haixin, then you... is it really okay to be alone? Or should I move in to live with you?"

Xie Yudie had forgotten to be afraid at this time and she was excited.

"Okay, stop making trouble, I can do it all by myself, what if you come and drag me back?"

In fact, Ning Huan had no bottom in her heart. She didn't know what was so tricky about this 808, so she would definitely not let Xiaodie take risks with her.


"Oh, too. I can't hold you back!"

Xie Yudie nodded when she heard Ning Huanxin's words. She still knew how many catties she had.

"But...Since we are all here, Huaxin, you take us to 808 to see."

At this time, Xie Yudie was not afraid at all. There are descendants of Gu's family here, what is she afraid of?

I’ve only heard of 808 before, but now it’s exciting to go in and take a look in person.

Ning Huanxin was speechless when she heard Xie Yudie's words. She knew Xiaodie's personality was so heartless.

"Shen Han, how about you?"

At this time Xie Yudie turned his head and looked at Shen Han again.

"Well, I want to see it too."

Shen Han still has a calm face, she is "a person who has died once", what else can she be afraid of?

"That one……"

At this moment, a weak voice came from behind the three people: "Can I follow you to have a look?"

Mu Yuxin stood behind a few people, looking at Ning Huanxin expectantly.

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