Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1131: 1131: Crime scene

The four of them all went back to school after lunch. Lin Jianping’s computer science department was full of courses, and Ning Huanxin had only one class this afternoon. After the class, Ning Huanxin borrowed some from Pan Yingying from last semester. The book slowly learns.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Mu Yuxin has been sitting next to Ning Huanxin.

Hearing Mu Yuxin's words, Ning Huanxin raised his eyes and glanced: "Hello Xueba, I will definitely ask if I don't know how."

In fact, Mu Yuxin is also very beautiful and cute. There are many seniors in the department and school, but she seems to like studying very much, except in the dormitory or in the classroom, or go to the library.

You see, most people have gone to Hipi this afternoon, Pan Yingying also went to find her male ticket, only Mu Yuxin is still studying.

Really super serious.

Ning Huanxin is still very happy, meeting Mu Yuxin and Pan Yingying, she really reduced a lot of trouble, she can ask Mu Yuxin if she doesn't, and Pan Yingying can ask someone for help about 808.

Everything is really going well.


Ning Huanxin is actually a very good student, but because of his convenience in architecture, it seems...no talent.

She didn't understand many things, but Mu Yuxin was very patient and explained to Ning Huanxin bit by bit. In the end, only two of them were left in the study room, and the time for dinner was also perfectly missed!

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's getting dark, should I invite you to dinner?"

Ning Huanxin checked his watch and it was almost seven o'clock.

"It's okay, I can go back to the bedroom for instant noodles, do you want to be together?"

Although instant noodles sound unnutritious, it is a very practical and common delicacy in college.

"Alright, let's go together."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Mu Yuxin. The two packed up their books and left the study room together. At this time, the spring was just beginning, and the weather in Yanjing was suddenly warm and cold, and the wind was still cold at night.

The school’s street lights are very dim, and when walking towards the girls’ dormitory, you will pass a small forest. In summer, this is a holy place for couples to take a walk, but no one stays here this season.

When she reached the middle of the small forest, Ning Huanxin suddenly moved her mind and stopped.

"what happened?"

Seeing Ning Huanxin stopped suddenly, Mu Yuxin's face suddenly changed slightly, as if she was a little scared.

"It's nothing, I just think this forest is pretty good, if it's summer, it must be beautiful."

Ning Huanxin's expression remained as usual, whispering in a low voice.

"Oh, yes."

Mu Yuxin's answer was somewhat perfunctory, and she was obviously anxious: "Let's go back soon."

With that, she took Ning Huanxin and walked quickly towards the bedroom.

"Yu Xin, are you afraid of the dark?"

Ning Huanxin caught up with Mu Yuxin and asked lowly.

"Well, kind of."

Mu Yuxin lowered her eyes, her tone was a bit complicated: "In this small forest, I heard that there was a case a few years ago. A girl was caught in this forest during her summer vacation...


Sure enough, the school is like a story meeting. The most indispensable thing here is the various versions of the story.

Ning Huanxin glanced at Mu Yuxin, no wonder she was so scared, but...

"and after?"

Ning Huanxin asked.

"Later, I heard that the case was solved, and the criminal committed suicide in this woods."

Mu Yuxin seemed to have a lingering fear when she talked about this, any girl would be afraid of such things.

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