Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1143: 1143: Liu Wenna's Memories (1)

Could it be...

808 is really the same as the rumors, does it have the magic power to make people disappear?

Sui Yushu lowered his head and looked at the potted plants on the windowsill, and suddenly muttered to himself: "If I were a woman, I really want to go to the girls' dormitory 808!"


Ning Huanxin drove out of the gate of the school, and she directly entered an address in the navigation—

Peach Blossom Spring.

This is the name of a high-end community in Yanjing, and it is also where Liu Wenna lives. It seems that she should be living well now.

Taohuayuan is in another city of Yanjing, far from Yanbei University.

Ning Huanxin drove for more than an hour before reaching the gate of Taohuayuan.

She parked the car in a relatively spacious place, did not get off the car immediately, but logged into her Weibo, and then found Liu Wenna's Weibo based on the information Lin Jianping gave herself.

Liu Wenna is a woman with a very delicate life. Looking at her Weibo, she is free every day, probably because of a good family background or a good marriage.

Ning Huanxin took a look at the time. At this time, Liu Wenna should be walking the dog in her community because she has an Akita. Liu Wenna often shows her pure white Akita on Weibo. It is her. Your pet.

The Akita is a medium-sized dog. Because of its ugly appearance, few people actually raise it, but this dog is actually very docile, very loyal, and good at swimming.

According to Liu Wenna's Weibo account, this Akita dog has saved her life and is her most loyal partner.

Ning Huanxin got out of the car and went directly to the gate of Taohuayuan Community. This is a smart community. She swiped her card to enter. When she walked to the gate, the security guard stopped her and looked at her with surprise.

"Miss, you...you are..."

"I am Ning Huanxin."

Ning Huanxin smiled at the security guard at the door: "I came to find a friend of mine, but her mobile phone can't get through, can I get in? By the way, her name is Liu Wennaying, and she should be a resident of Building 10. At this time, I guess she While walking the dog, you may have forgotten to bring your phone downstairs!"

"Ah! You are Hualinger!"

At this time, the security guard at the gate looked at Ning Huanxin with excitement: "So you are looking for Miss Liu! She is indeed walking the dog at this time of the day."

"Yeah, then I...may I go in?"

Ning Huanxin blinked and looked at the security guard in front of him pitifully.

"Yes, you can go in, Miss Ning."

Just as the security guard was about to open the door, he suddenly turned around and looked at Ning Huanxin a little embarrassed: "Um...Miss Ning, can you take a photo with me?"


Ning Huanxin didn't have any pretensions.


The security guard immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and thought about it for a while.

Thanks to my girlfriend for downloading this software that I don’t know what it is, and I can finally use it now.

Ning Huanxin’s un-faced makeup is also extremely beautiful, so taking a photo with her, the security guard, is very stressful, but after the beautiful face is adjusted, the effect is much better, and it is completely ugly!

After the photo was taken, the security guard immediately opened the door to Ning Huanxin and enthusiastically told her how to go, and where to go, I could see Liu Wenna.

Ning Huanxin entered the community and followed the instructions of the security guard, and soon saw Liu Wenna.

She is wearing a dark blue woolen coat and is now bowing her head, playing with her Akita intently.

"Liu Wenna!"

Ning Huanxin stood a few meters away and called her softly.

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