Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1148: 1148: New information (3)

While talking, Wang Qichao paused, took a sip of tea, and then continued to whisper: "Actually, my friend was a little skeptical of the case at the beginning. Since the murderer prepared so carefully, everything Didn’t stay, how could Qin Meng see her face? It was really a hundred secrets, did she wake up early? Or... Chen Anwen didn’t lie, he was just a latecomer who rushed away after hearing the sound In fact, there are many doubts in this seemingly ironclad case! The investigator was also puzzled at the time, but... he said that there was a call from above and asked him to decide the case immediately. The tone was very resolute, so he had to do it first. Chen Anwen was listed as the first suspect and was about to be arrested. Unexpectedly, Chen Anwen committed suicide at that time!"

Wang Qichao has also been a criminal policeman for many years. What case has he not encountered before?

At first glance, Chen Anwen's case is full of loopholes. Even if the workers prove that he did drink, he is the only one who has no time to witness, but...

Except for Qin Meng's suspicion and accusation, there is no direct or indirect effective evidence to prove that Chen Anwen is the real murderer!

Therefore, after listening to his old friend's narrative, Wang Qichao already had the answer in his heart.

Who dares to take responsibility for such a big mistake?

If the police say Chen Anwen is not the real murderer, how should they deal with it? How will the media report?

What about the future and official career of the person involved?

There are too many benefits and involvement here, and the water is too deep.


"This is Qin Meng's information, I only found these."

Wang Qichao didn't go any further, he pushed the small file bag he had brought from the table to Ning Huanxin's face.

"After reading these materials, you should understand. Okay, I'm not going to eat anymore, I'm leaving now!"

With that, Wang Qichao got up and left.

He really didn't want to eat this meal because he was in a heavy mood.

For the fault of my old friend, for the heavy responsibility...

Seeing Wang Qichao's leaving figure, Ning Huan was stunned for a long time. Today's Uncle Wang is filled with a heavy breath.

Qin Meng.

Ning Huanxin slowly opened the file bag and pulled out the materials inside, which contained Qin Meng's materials and photos.

Seeing the girl in the photo, Ning Huan couldn't help but shine, Qin Meng is really beautiful, she is the kind of super beauty that you will never forget once you see it!

But for such a big beauty, the family environment is not good, and her academic performance is average.

Not getting a scholarship and having difficulties at home, Qin Meng can only choose to stay in Yanjing during the holidays when others are playing around. This saves the travel expenses of returning to his hometown, and can still get ****** in Yanjing City. Do holiday work.

Yanjing is a big city, and the rent is very expensive, but staying in the school dormitory can save a lot of expenses.

Yanbei University can apply to stay on campus during the holidays, and only need to pay a small portion of the accommodation fee.

Qin Meng does several part-time jobs every day, leaving early and returning late, which is very hard.

In fact, why should such a beautiful girl work so hard?

Ning Huanxin turned to some of the transcripts at the back. It was all Qin Meng's classmates. It turned out that Qin Meng's school was very popular, and there were many people who pursued her. The little girl has never been in love because of her poor family environment.

Even if there was the pursuit of a super rich and rich family, she refused them all indifferently.

Many pursuers!

At this point, a thought suddenly flashed in Ning Huanxin's heart!

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