Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1154: 1154: His life experience (1)

There are no valuables in the archives at all, and even the archives here are just waste paper for many people.

So, who on earth sneaked in here secretly?

Ning Huanxin was really curious.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened gently from inside, and a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Ning Huanxin.

The man's steps are very light, and his movements are very gentle, but...

Ning Huanxin was still touching!

The person in the room opened the door gently, and when he saw Ning Huanxin suddenly appeared in front of him, he was still shocked. Almost at that moment, his hand was slightly loosened, and the information bag in his hand fell off. .

Ning Huan's heart and hands were quick and quick, and he caught the portfolio in an instant. Seeing the name on the portfolio, Ning Huan's eyes were dazzling--

Qin Meng.

What he secretly found was Qin Meng's file!

Is this just a coincidence?

"Lu Dongbin."

Ning Huanxin raised his head and called the person's name softly: "What are you doing with Qin Meng?"

Lu Dongbin was also very surprised at this time. He made a special check and found that there are no classes on this floor today. Director Li also took leave. He made a lot of determination and sneaked into the archives room, intending to try his luck and see if he could Can't find the files of Qin Meng's students. After all, they have left Yan University. Lu Dongbin is actually not sure whether the original files are still kept in the school archives.

But in any case, he intends to give it a try.

Lu Dongbin also thought about whether he would be discovered, and what to do if he was discovered?

But he never thought that he would meet Ning Huanxin here, and be caught by her!

"Ning Huanxin?"

At this time, Lu Dongbin didn't know how to answer. He looked at Ning Huanxin, feeling a little at a loss.

Although Lu Dongbin does not chase stars, Pan Yingying is a fan of Ning Huanxin, so Lu Dongbin is very familiar with Ning Huanxin, and even knows she can martial arts.

Therefore, even if she is too tall, she will not be her opponent at all.

The two held each other at the door of the archives room, without speaking, the scene was a little depressed and a little stalemate.

At this moment, the elevator at the other end of the corridor rang suddenly and someone was coming!

Hearing the sound, Lu Dongbin immediately panicked. It was the first time that he did something that violated school rules and discipline. If he was caught, Lu Dongbin would not dare to think about the consequences.

"Go in."

At this moment, Ning Huanxin suddenly pushed Lu Dongbin, and then he went into the archives room and closed the door silently.

In the archives room, the light was very dark and there was a lot of dust. Lu Dongbin was panting nervously, but Ning Huanxin was very calm. Seeing Lu Dongbin's appearance, he looked like a novice, not calm at all, but...

Ning Huanxin was really curious, what did he do with Qin Meng's information?

The sound in the corridor gradually disappeared. At this time, Lu Dongbin finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ning Huanxin couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw his nervous look.

"You are so nervous, dare to steal something?"

When Ning Huanxin said that, Lu Dongbin's face was embarrassed, he lowered his head and couldn't refute.

"Do you know Qin Meng?"

Ning Huanxin glanced at the portfolio in her hand at this time: "Or, let's go out and find a place to talk!"


Outside school, cafe.

This time is still school time, so there are very few people in the cafe. Although the beautiful waiter in the shop has been secretly looking at Ning Huanxin, Ning Huanxin is still very calm. She has been watching Lu Dongbin's face closely.

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