Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1157: 1157: The disappeared suicide note

"Some things, like fate, cannot be escaped. If they don't happen at this moment, they will still happen to you in the next moment, at a different time and place. This is fate."

Ning Huanxin felt that sometimes, fate is really a ruthless and terrifying thing.


Lu Dongbin raised his hand, wiped away his tears vigorously, looked at Ning Huanxin in front of him, and said in a low voice, "Fate is really unfair. After I came here, I kept telling myself that I must find evidence. It proves that my father is innocent. Even, I thought of looking for Qin Meng in the past. Since she broke up my home and made my mother so miserable, I don't want her to get better."

"You won't do that. Once you do that, what is the difference between you and those who expose your mother's scars and insult her?"

Ning Huanxin could see that Lu Dongbin is a very emotional boy.

"If your father sees you grow up like this, become a top student, become a figure in Yanbei University, and have such a good girlfriend, he will be very pleased."

Ning Huanxin suddenly changed the subject, Lu Dongbin sighed deeply when Ning Huanxin mentioned Chen Anwen.

"It's a pity... he can't see it, he can't see it anymore, and even I can't even dream of him for the past six years. I... miss him very much."

I miss the father who was arrogant to him, miss the father who was reluctant to hit him even though his angry eyes were red, miss the father who went out early and went home hard for himself and his mother...

"Maybe you will see him later."

Ning Huanxin whispered, but Lu Dongbin didn't care--

Can I really dream of my father in the future?

"All right."

Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled and looked at Lu Dongbin: "Now can you tell me what you are doing in the archives? Actually, I also want to investigate the case six years ago and reverse the case for your father!"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Lu Dongbin's eyes lit up immediately.

"What did I lie to you? If you believe me, tell me what you know!"

"Well, I will tell you all!"

Lu Dongbin nodded. Although he wanted to recall the most painful memory again, he was no longer so vulnerable.

"Back then, I was still in middle school. One day, a group of people came to our village. They told people everywhere that my father was a criminal X. At that time, my mother and I were in a panic and did not know what happened. I couldn’t get through on the phone. Although my father had a good reputation in the village, many people believed that he was innocent, but... rumors and rumors are a weapon to kill people without seeing blood! My mother finally took me to Yanjing, but unfortunately, waiting for us. But it was the icy corpse of my father. We were never able to see him for the last time, and... he left us nothing, even a few words!"


Ning Huanxin suddenly interrupted Lu Dongbin's words: "You said...your father left nothing? However, as far as I know, your father left a suicide note. Because he can't write, he used a pen to draw the suicide note. of."


Lu Dongbin stood up suddenly excitedly, with a loud voice: "How could this be? Why didn't we see it? At that time, the police told me that the case was as solid as a mountain, and that my father committed suicide in fear of crime. At that time, my mother fainted a few times while crying. Uh, it's the relic of my father who I counted. In his relics there is nothing except a mobile phone and some change!"

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