Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1166: 1166: Memories of Zhan Tianyu (1)

"Okay, it's an appointment."

Liu Wenna put down the phone, returned to the living room from the balcony, and smiled at Ning Huan heartily: "Let’s eat grilled fish at noon, don’t you?"

"Well, it's not a taboo, grilled fish is very good."

Ning Huanxin smiled lightly.

Liu Wenna also smiled: "Actually, I'm a little curious, won't Zhan Tianyu have anything to do with Yang Wan's disappearance?"

It's no wonder Liu Wenna thinks so, because Ning Huanxin is obviously very concerned about 808, but Zhan Tianyu was also their alumnus back then.

"Senior sister, why do you ask?"

Ning Huanxin didn't answer directly, but smiled and raised her eyes, and asked Liu Wenna back.

"My guess."

Liu Wenna's eyes flickered: "Actually, when talking about Zhan Tianyu, I thought of another thing. Back then, Zhan Tianyu had a very good relationship with another male student in their department. The two were buddies. That person even chased after Yang Wan. !"

"Oh? Is there anything else?"

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised this time, and she didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

"What's that male classmate's name? Senior sister, do you remember?"

Ning Huan asked calmly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Liu Wenna thought for a while: "Well, I remember, it seems to be called... Song Ye? Yes, it was called Song Ye. At that time, many people called him less industry, and their family was quite powerful in Yanjing. , But his character is extremely bad!"

Song Ye?

Ning Huanxin naturally knew this name, because this Song Ye was in the same relationship with Qin Meng and had pursued Qin Meng, but was rejected by Qin Meng.

Didn't expect this guy to pursue Yang Wan?

It's really not a good thing.

There is a saying, called things to gather people in groups.

Ning Huanxin felt that he could get mixed up with Song Ye, and the man he called a brother should not be a good person.

However, when he saw Zhan Tianyu at the grilled fish shop outside the community, Ning Huan was a little surprised, because Zhan Tianyu was very tall and had a square face, and looked quite righteous.

"Liu Wenna!"

As soon as Zhan Tianyu entered the private room, he saw Liu Wenna who was sitting opposite him, and immediately greeted her with a smile: "It's been a long time, why are you thinking of inviting me to dinner today?"

Ning Huanxin had been sitting aside, head down, and Zhan Tianyu glanced at her, a little curious, but did not see Ning Huanxin's face.

He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Liu Wenna still took a girl with him. Is it her relative?

Now that Zhan Tianyu has a good job, he has become a small supervisor. His first thought is that Liu Wenna has something to ask for. Could it be that he wants to help her relatives arrange work?

Zhan Tianyu was thinking wildly, Liu Wenna suddenly spoke indifferently: "I am not looking for you today, but someone else is looking for you!"

Liu Wenna turned to look at Ning Huanxin who was sitting aside.

Ning Huanxin slowly raised her head.

"You...you are..."

Zhan Tianyu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ning Huanxin with surprise on his face.

"You are Ning Huanxin!"


Ning Huanxin smiled faintly, and said softly: "I am also going to school in Yanbei University now, brother, sit down!"

"Oh, oh oh."

Zhan Tianyu was still a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet Ning Huanxin here, and listening to Liu Wenna's meaning, this time it was Ning Huanxin looking for herself.

What can she do to find herself?

"That...Miss Ning, you are looking for me..."

Zhan Tianyu found a seat and sat down gently.

At this moment, he didn't relax at the beginning, he became a little cautious.

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