Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1172: 1172: Director Yu

"Girl, do you suspect those students?"

Chen Anwen suddenly asked Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin nodded: "Now there is only the goal of preliminary suspicion, but the evidence is still too little, and... the case has passed so long, the person who knows the case best is actually Qin Meng, but..."

When Ning Huanxin asked Jiang Lixing to check the information of that class of students, Qin Meng was not counted. Qin Meng dropped out and disappeared after that incident.

No one knows where she went and how she is now.

She may have changed her name, changed identity, and started a new life in another place.

Even if Ning Huanxin disagrees with Qin Meng's family's actions, she can understand that they might have done so much because they were afraid of insufficient evidence and that the "true murderer" would get away with it.

That may be the instinct to protect one's children, and the conditioned reflex of one's own children after being hurt.

Even Chen Anwen could forgive them for not wanting to disturb Qin Meng. Naturally, Ning Huanxin didn't want to rashly uncover Qin Meng's scar.

But apart from Qin Meng, who can know this case well?

Maybe there is only that person.


After chatting with Chen Anwen, Ning Huanxin went back to the dormitory. She never told Chen Anwen about Lu Dongbin.

Ning Huanxin felt that it was not the time yet. After all, Chen Anwen's grievances had not been washed away, and he had not obtained any strong enough evidence to prove his innocence.

It is not yet time for their father and son to get together...

The next day, Ning Huanxin still went to class with Mu Yuxin and others in the morning, and took leave in the afternoon as usual. For her often absent class, students and teachers are used to it, after all, she is a star classmate!

People in the department are secretly guessing whether Ning Huanxin is about to produce any new works. People from other departments will often come to inquire or ask for autographs.

If you let them know that this big star is busy solving crimes all day long, I don't know what they would think?

Ning Huanxin hadn't used the certificates from the three outstanding cases for a long time.

Since Sister Li’s accident, Jian Yunyi retreats, and it has been a long time since Ning Huanxin has been contacted by people from three places.

Ning Huanxin still remembered that Sister Li left her an emergency contact number before leaving Yanjing. This time she planned to call this number.


In a high-class teahouse in Yanjing, Ning Huanxin sits by the antique wooden window, holding a tea cup while admiring the street where people come and go outside the window.

There are not many guests in this teahouse, and the only one on the third floor is Ning Huanxin.

Therefore, when a regular sound of footsteps sounded, Ning Huan's eyes flickered slightly, she turned her gaze back, and suddenly raised her head to look in the direction of the stairs.

A tall figure walked up slowly.

He was dressed in casual clothes, but he couldn't hide the bitterness on his body. This was a man in his forties who looked very bright and sharp, and the breath on his body made ordinary people daunting.

"Director Yu, here you are!"

Although it was the first time to meet, Ning Huanxin knew the identity of this man, and his name was Yu Yuesheng.

Yu Yuesheng is Wang Qichao's old friend, old classmate, and the organizer of Qin Meng's case.

Ning Huanxin looked indifferent at this time, while Yu Yuesheng was a little confused.

He received a call from the three unsuspecting places and asked himself to come here to cooperate with the leaders of the three places. Who knew he saw a little girl when he got here.

This little girl is a little familiar.

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