Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1180: 1180: The mission given by Director Xu

"I have the file of this case. Let's make an appointment. I will make a copy for you."

Yu Yuesheng is still very positive about jointly investigating the case.

"Okay, thank you for the game."

When Ning Huanxin heard the words, he smiled and nodded immediately.

The meeting and conversation with Yu Yuesheng was a bit beyond her own expectations.

Ning Huanxin originally thought that Yu Yuesheng had buried his conscience in order to get a promotion, but now it seems that he is not as hateful as he thought.


Coming out of the teahouse, Ning Huanxin immediately called Xu Songhai and reported on Chen Anwen's case. After analyzing the case with Yu Yuesheng, the truth of the case was about to surface.

The last point was to find the real murderer hidden in the school.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s report, Xu Songhai nodded repeatedly and couldn’t help but complimented her a few words: “Yes, although you took the initiative to handle this case, since you belong to the three of us, it’s even our case , You did a good job. Listening to you, I’m afraid this case will involve other major cases."


Hearing Xu Songhai’s words, Ning Huanxin also nodded: “I think it may be that some leaders of the school have colluded with the construction engineering company, suspected of private bribery, or cutting corners. For this kind of thing, you can come to the relevant department for a thorough investigation. Right!"

Those people secretly deleted the school's surveillance video for their own benefit and in order not to expose their dirty behavior, so that Chen Anwen was unjustly accused!

These people should be punished as they deserve!

"Well, this matter is very serious, I will deal with it."

Xu Songhai's tone also became serious: "By the way, Huanxin, has Jian Yunyi contacted you recently? Has this kid not come out of retreat?"

Jian Yunyi?

Ning Huan froze for a moment, as if Jian Yunyi was also present when he was engaged to Jiang Lixing, but he didn't seem to have said anything to him.

Later, I never saw him again.

"Is the death of Sister Li hit him too hard?"

Ning Huan asked suspiciously.

It is now certain that the mysterious force that attacked the headquarters of the three outstanding cases was the force of Gu Qianchen, but now that Gu Qianchen is missing, all the people of that force are hidden, and it is not easy to find them again.


Xu Songhai sighed: "In fact, this is the case. Next month, people from the ability group will go to Yanjing to investigate a case. We may need our cooperation. Now we are the only ones here with Jian Yunyi. I'm afraid You don’t have time, so..."

"Director, I can."

Ning Huanxin interrupted Xu Songhai's voice: "My current studies, uh, it's not that nervous, if I have time, I should be able to assist the ability team."

Ning Huanxin is confident that Chen Anwen's case will be resolved in a short time and he will be innocent.

As for the mysterious magnetic field of 808, it was very passive. Ning Huanxin could only wait passively, waiting for the appearance of the mysterious magnetic field of 808.

Therefore, she is still very free at other times.

But what kind of organization is the ability group?

"Director, what case is the ability team going to deal with?"

Ning Huanxin was actually quite curious, so she asked Xu Songhai lowly.

"Who knows what kind of plane they fly all day, I heard...it seems to be catching a thousand-year-old vampire? I am not very clear about the specifics. There is still more than a month left. Don't worry, you can cooperate symbolically when the time comes. Just a moment."

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