Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1182: 1182: The strangeness of 808 (1)

"I still have to consider it."

Although Ning Huanxin said something to Li Luoshi, Li Luoshi is completely unreliable. Moreover, Gu Qianchen is a super puppet master, even if Li Luoshi is abandoned now?

What if Li Luoshi is controlled by him?

Therefore, the woman in front of you must be careful.

Ning Huan looked at Li Luoshi coldly, still alert in her eyes.

"Okay, I will wait for you."

Li Luoshi sighed. She knew that for a short time, Ning Huanxin would not believe in herself.

But now that he is being chased after leaving the organization, besides coming to seek refuge in her, who else can he go to and believe in?

Slowly standing up, Li Luoshi took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Ning Huanxin.

"This is my current address and contact information."

Li Luoshi stuffed the piece of paper into Ning Huanxin's hands, then quickly turned around and left. Li Luoshi's speed was very fast, and almost instantly, all of his figure disappeared.

What was she...what exactly did she make?

She left the organization and came to Yanjing for what?

Could it be...for Jiang Liran?


Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her eyebrows and put away her own thoughts, always feeling very unreliable. Isn't Jiang Sanshao so popular?

It is simply unscientific!

Pour the car out of the alley, Ning Huanxin put Li Luoshi's contact information, and drove directly back to Yanbei University.

When she returned to the dormitory, Mu Yuxin was still reviewing her homework. Seeing that Ning Huanxin was back, she immediately handed Ning Huanxin a note: "This is what I recorded for you in class today. Take a good look. If you can’t, you can ask me at any time!"

Originally at this time, Mu Yuxin should have been studying in the study room, but in order to wait for Ning Huanxin, she read in the dormitory by herself, and the dormitory was quiet anyway.


Ning Huanxin took the note and smiled and patted Mu Yuxin on the shoulder: "Yu Xin, thank you! Haha, I am so happy to live with you!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Mu Yuxin just smiled without speaking.

After getting along with Ning Huanxin for a long time, Mu Yuxin also found that Ning Huanxin has a very good personality. She does not have the air of a lady, let alone a celebrity. As long as everyone finds her to take pictures and sign her, everyone will come. Will joke with other classmates, or fight together, looks like ordinary freshmen, no difference!


Ning Huanxin studied with Mu Yuxin in the dormitory. Because she often skipped classes recently, Ning Huanxin really dropped a lot. Fortunately, Mu Yuxin was tutoring her by the side, and the two of them unknowingly learned it until ten o'clock in the evening. Zhong, finally learned all the lessons this afternoon.

"so tired!"

Ning Huanxin opened her arms and stretched her waist. At this moment, her eyes condensed suddenly.


Mu Yuxin also looked at Ning Huanxin excitedly.

"Haixin, do you feel it?"

Mu Yuxin's voice trembled because of excitement, and the two looked at each other, both of them excited!

At that moment, both Ning Huanxin and Mu Yuxin heard strange sounds, and there was also a very cold and sad feeling.

"It seems...someone is crying."

The cry of a woman, the whimper of the wind.

Ning Huanxin closed her eyes gently, and suddenly released her spiritual power to cover the entire room of 808!

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