Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1184: 1184: Space-time magnetic field

Time travel is really amazing.

Compared with the legend of 808 cannibalism dormitory, she is more willing to believe that Wan'er sister has traveled to another time and space. At this moment, maybe she is living happily in that time and space.


"Just now, did the two time and space overlap?"

Mu Yuxin was still a little excited: "This time, we felt the sound of that time and space, next time? Will we see the phantom, and then... will we also travel through it?"

"do not know."

Ning Huanxin shook his head: "It may just be a subtle collision of the space-time magnetic field, but the two space-times did not overlap."

When will the two time and space overlap again?

It may be fast, or it may have to wait for years.

Ning Huanxin couldn't tell for this.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Mu Yuxin couldn't help but feel a little dazed. After a while, she asked again: "Huanxin, can the person who has passed through the past come back?"

"do not know."

Ning Huanxin sighed: "I believe that when Zhuang Xiaoqing and Yang Wan passed through, the two space-times should suddenly overlap, creating a huge magnetic field and space-time vortex. They are very passive, and even if two people want to come back, It is estimated that there is no correct way to return, but...time and space travel is two-way, the same connection point allows you to travel through the past, then there must be a chance for you to travel back!"


Mu Yuxin's expression at this time is very complicated: "Huanxin, if we also encounter something like that, we pass through the past passively...Are we unable to come back?"

Can't come back again?

Thinking of this, Mu Yuxin was still a little scared.

The strange world, everything strange, feel a bit timid to think about it.

Mu Yuxin's doubts, in fact, Ning Huanxin also has.

She has relatives, lovers, friends, and everything that others admire in this world.

What should I do if I am involved in other time and space because of the 808 incident?

"If that happens, I will do everything possible to come back."

Ning Huan's eyes were firm.

She will be back.

Do whatever you can, and come back!

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Mu Yuxin nodded: "Okay, Huanxin, I believe you, I will follow you, if we can find Sister Wan'er, we will bring her back together!"


This night, many people fell asleep peacefully, but Ning Huanxin and Mu Yuxin couldn't sleep all night because of the 808 incident.

The next day, Ning Huanxin went to Sui Yushu for leave again.

Teacher Sui is still very calm.

"Student Huanxin, this actor, of course, should focus on acting, but in this great spring and great time, once you are free, don't forget to study! Have you made all the recent class notes?"

"Done, Mu Yuxin helped me sort it out, I have already memorized it! Would you like Teacher Sui to test me?"

Ning Huanxin answered with a smile on his face.

"Oh, that's good. Director Li has asked for leave these days. I will help her with some things. It's too busy. Let's test you another day!"

Director Li hasn't come back yet?

Ning Huan frowned and asked subconsciously, "Dr. Li has been away for a few days? Did she go out of town? Did something happen at home?"

"Little girl is gossip."

Sui Yushu raised his eyes to read Ning Huanxin's sentence, and then still lowered his head to write his syllabus, but the voice did not stop.

"Director Li has something to do with the family. Her niece is in the hospital. That child... In Yanjing, she is the only relative. If she doesn't help, no one will help."

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