Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1192: 1192: Hold your hand

Gu Xiao's voice was very low and gentle.

For some reason, Ning Huanxin was suddenly a little scared and nervous. She raised her hand and firmly grasped the corner of Gu Xiao's clothes.

"Brother, what are you..."

Ning Huan pursed her lips, always feeling a little worried.

"It's okay, I just thought that Qiu Han and I would be away for a long time. I kind of... miss you and can't let go of you."

Gu Xiao released his hands and smiled charmingly at Ning Huanxin: "Okay, go back, it's dark! Go and drive the car in." Then, Gu Xiao returned the car key to Ning. Joy.


Ning Huanxin nodded, took the key, and glanced at Gu Xiao. She suddenly stepped forward, suddenly opened her arms, and hugged Gu Xiao.

"Brother, I am waiting for you and Qiu Han to return triumphantly!"

You will definitely be back.


Gu Xiao stood there, watching Ning Huanxin's car disappear into the night, only after that, he slowly turned around, and his figure gradually left the gate of Yanbei University.

Just after walking a block, Gu Xiao saw a purple figure.

Lin Qiuhan wore a deep purple dress, which seemed very thin in the cold spring and night.

"Let's go."

Gu Xiao walked to Lin Qiuhan's side and took her hand, which was extremely cold.

He has always been cold, but not overbearing.

But today, Gu Xiao carries a domineering vigor.

Lin Qiuhan was pulled by him, raised his eyes subconsciously, and quietly looked at the handsome and clear face of the man.

"Master, have you really decided?"

Since Gu Xiao said today that he would cook for Ning Huanxin alone, Lin Qiuhan had a bad feeling.

Could it be...

Gu Xiao intends to guard herself all the time, even when she has gone through the catastrophe?

"I am the master, and my decision is the final decision."

Gu Xiao firmly squeezed Lin Qiuhan's hand.

"If I didn't choose to hold your hand, I have many choices. Once I choose to hold your hand, I won't let it go again, unless... I die!"

Hold your hand, even if you cannot grow old with you, you must live and die together!

"I understand."

Lin Qiuhan pursed her lips and smiled.

"Then let's go, don't let Master Pluto wait long."

Your Highness has a bad temper.


Every terrible ghost becomes a terrible ghost that harms the world because of the grievances when they die.

Lin Qiuhan is no exception. She once died miserably. She once hated all the men in the world. She even had no feelings for any creatures.


That year, she escaped from the underworld, met Mr. Gu by chance, and later met the boy Gu Xiao.

That is like fate.

"I will let you... keep holding my hand, and won't give you a chance... let you let go."

Lin Qiuhan leaned against Gu Xiao's ear and whispered softly--

There is a kind of feeling that can support you through the hardest level, the longest path, that kind of feeling is love.


Yanbei University, on campus.

After Ning Huanxin parked the car in the school parking lot, she didn't get out of the car immediately. Instead, she leaned on the seat pretentiously, took out her mobile phone, and called Jiang Lixing.

The call was quickly connected.

"Axing, my brother..."

"Well, I know, don't worry, I will take care of them, Lin Qiuhan will be fine, and your elder brother will be fine. You believe me."

In this world, there is nothing that makes Ning Huan feel more at ease than these three words.

Jiang Lixing said, "You believe me," and her anxious heart immediately settled down.

Because she believed him.

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