Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1195: 1195: Time and Space Travel (1)

Fan Hua is a pseudonym, his real name is Fan Hua, he is a net escape, and he is a habitual criminal with a criminal record!

Seeing this new message from Yu Yuesheng, Ning Huanxin also figured it out for a while. If the prisoner is really this Fan Hua, it is very possible.

How can this kind of people stay at ease in the university cafeteria? People who are used to doing bad things will think about doing bad things wherever they go.

"Yu Ju, I am waiting for your good news."

Ning Huanxin returned a message to Yu Yuesheng. She hoped that Yu Yuesheng would continue to investigate and investigate all the ins and outs of the year clearly.

In this way, Chen Anwen will be able to wash away his grievances and stare at death.


After sending the message, Ning Huanxin was about to put her phone away and continue to sleep. At this moment, her phone screen suddenly flashed.

How is this going?

Ning Huan was taken aback. Her mobile phone was not long after she bought it, and it has always worked well. This is the first time that the screen flickered suddenly, and...

Still at night.

"Yu Xin."

Ning Huan's heart shuddered and suddenly called Mu Yuxin.

"what happened?"

Mu Yuxin felt that Ning Huanxin's voice seemed a little strange.

"Yu Xin, you come here, I think something is wrong!"

Ning Huanxin whispered quickly, hearing her words, Mu Yuxin immediately jumped off the bed briskly, hugging her pillow, and came to Ning Huanxin's bed.

The two sat side by side on the edge of the bed.

"Haixin, what do you feel? Why don't I feel it?"

Mu Yuxin looked around in a weird manner. Last time, she and Ning Huanxin felt the woman's cry and the sound of wind.

But this time, so far, she has not felt the slightest abnormality.

"I think something is wrong, something is wrong."

Ning Huanxin looked at her phone again. The screen of the phone was still flickering, and the number of flickers became more and more frequent.

"This...what's wrong with your phone?"

Mu Yuxin also noticed this and asked curiously.

"I suspect it was disturbed by the magnetic field, so..."

Ning Huanxin hadn't finished speaking, suddenly, the entire space of 808 was distorted. This is...

Is this the space-time magnetic field of 808?

Unlike the last time I could hear the sound, this time, the entire space was shaking.

"Happy, happy!"

Mu Yuxin felt that her body seemed to be attracted by something, and she yelled Ning Huanxin's name.

"Mu Yuxin!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin felt that her body seemed to be sucked in by something. She opened her hand and wanted to grab Mu Yuxin, but she still fell through!

After a while, 808's bedroom returned to normal, everything was the same as before, but Ning Huanxin and Mu Yuxin were long gone!


The vast space and time storm.

Ning Huan tried his best to stabilize her figure with aura, but failed several times. The turbulence in this space is too strong, and...

Where is Mu Yuxin?

Ning Huanxin couldn't see Mu Yuxin's figure, but she could see a dark figure not far from her, that was Mu Yuxin!

Ning Huanxin tried to get close to her, but failed again and again!

Finally, Ning Huanxin also gradually lost consciousness.

Underworld, Hades Palace.


Jiang Lixing felt it when Ning Huanxin was involved in the turbulence of time and space.

He subconsciously wanted to use his mana to lock in Ning Huanxin's breath, but he failed again and again, because Ning Huanxin was in the gap between two worlds and couldn't find the space-time coordinates!

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