Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1198: 1198: An adult national? (1)

Feng Shisan was sent to the palace on the day she was born, so she never had a name, so she was simply called Feng Shisan.

In a blink of an eye, twenty years have passed, reaching the age of an adult.

In the Dong'an Dynasty, there was such a custom that everyone's coming-of-age ceremony was held on the day of their 20th birthday, and the place where they were held was naturally their own home.

"and many more."

Ning Huanxin interrupted Feng Yan: "You said I am your thirteenth sister? Are you my eldest brother? Please tell me, how old are you this year?"

Feng Yan in front of him looked like he was in his twenties, so he didn't look like he was thirty or forty years old!

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Feng Yan just smiled faintly: “I’m forty or five this year, and it’s time to get married and start a business!”

Ning Huanxin:...

Wait, in your world, is your age a bit messy?

Just adult at twenty?

Just about to talk about marriage at the age of 40 or 50?

What is the age of 60 or 70?

Ning Huanxin’s mind was in confusion, but she immediately grasped the main point in Feng Yan’s words: "Master of the National Normal University? You said Master of the National Normal University sent me back?"


Feng Yan frowned and glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Sister, I know that the first time you go home, it is very strange to us, but you will get used to it soon. By the way, does your head still hurt?"

When the national teacher sent the little sister back, she was in a coma. The person said that she was in a coma after a relapse, but she would soon wake up.

In the entire Dong'an dynasty, the most powerful person is not the emperor, but the national teacher. For the national teacher, everyone respects and admires him, because...he is aloof, just like a god.

"What's the name of the National Normal University? I want to see him!"

The feeling in Ning Huan's heart is very strong, that Master of National Normal University...

Maybe that person!

I have been looking for Master Yi for a long time!

"Little girl! Don't be presumptuous, how dare we mention the name of the National Teacher?"

At this time, Feng Yan's doubts in his eyes were even more--

Why is the little girl acting so strange?

Is it because you get along with Masters of National Normal University a lot on weekdays, so you don't understand the rules so much?

"I don't care, I just want to see him!"

Ning Huanxin didn't want to know or know where this place was and who these people were. She wanted to find Master Yi immediately, or find Mu Yuxin and Yang Wan, and then find a way to leave the world!

Ning Huanxin was about to rush out while talking, and Feng Yan raised his hand to stop her.

"Little girl! I know that you are a saint with a lofty status, but this is my general mansion, so don't mess around!"

Feng Yan fought on the battlefield over the years, after all, he was infected with a lot of evil spirits.

No matter how lofty the status of the little sister is in the eyes of outsiders, in Feng Yan's heart, she is just her own sister, nothing more.

Ning Huanxin didn't raise his eyes, and almost shot Feng Yan without hesitation!

It is really the style of the Palace of the National Teachers if you don't agree with it.

Feng Yan didn't get angry, but simply got in touch with Ning Huanxin. He really wanted to know what his sister had learned in the Palace of the National Teacher in the past twenty years.

The outside world said that Master Guo Shi was very fond of Xiao Shisan, and even named her a saint, but everyone in the imperial capital, including Feng's family, had never seen their own daughter for so many years.

Feng Thirteen has never appeared in the Palace of the National Teachers for 20 years.

Therefore, even if Ning Huanxin behaves strangely and speaks presumptuously.

However, Feng Yan still had no doubt about Ning Huanxin's identity.

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