Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1209: 1209: Wan Guifei (3)

Yang Wan was stunned for a long time, and finally came back to her senses, and asked again: "Yu Xin, why did you cross over, are you also..."

"Yes, I'm studying at Yanbei University now, and I live in 808 with my friends. Others say you are missing and dead, but I think you must be alive! So I went to 808 specially, and I know I will I found you! Look, aren't you right in front of me?"

As she spoke, Mu Yuxin burst into tears.

"Silly boy."

Yang Wan shook her head and took Mu Yuxin in her arms, as if she was coaxing her own child, not a sister.

"You are so stupid, this place... once it comes, you can't go back."

Not to mention going back, even thinking of going out of the palace is a luxury.

"I'm not afraid, as long as I can be with Sister Wan'er."

Mu Yuxin took a deep breath and said firmly while wiping tears.

Yang Wan looked moved when she heard Mu Yuxin's words: "Don't say anything stupid, let me figure out a solution for you."

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside the bedroom.

It was the slightly sharp voice of the waiter.

"Master, the ten princes are here, waiting for an audience outside the palace."

"Got it."

Yang Wan replied, and then raised her eyes to look at Mu Yuxin: "Yu Xin, I will send someone here to take care of you first. You should take a good rest first. If you have anything, we will talk about it tomorrow."


Mu Yuxin nodded. Although she and Ning Huanxin were separated, she found sister Wan'er. This was the best situation.

As for Ning Huanxin...

She should be fine, right? She is a monk after all!

Mu Yuxin prayed silently for Ning Huanxin in her heart, hoping that she would be safe and sound and meet herself again soon.


Jinluan Palace, the main hall.

When Yang Wan walked into the main hall with her confidant, a slender figure immediately greeted her.

This is a young boy who looks very young. The boy is dressed in a black python gown, with beautiful eyes and an aristocratic appearance.

Walking to Yang Wan's body, the teenager immediately smiled and took her arm, his tone was very intimate: "Mother concubine."

"Haoer, why are you here?"

Yang Wan looked suspiciously at her emperor. It was so late, if it wasn't for something particularly important, Chu Hao would never enter the palace on her own initiative.

"Mother concubine, I heard that Her Royal Highness from the Palace of the National Teachers has left the palace today?"

The person Chu Hao was talking about was Feng Thirteen. Although the entire Dong'an Dynasty didn't recognize her, everyone knew about the existence of this saint and the importance of the Master of National Normal University.

"Saint? Count the days, your Royal Highness, is it going to be an adult?"

Yang Wanning was attentive. When she first came across, she didn’t believe in any national masters or spells, but after seeing Chu Yi’s amazing spells, she had to admit that there are many capable people and strangers in this world, many of them are amazing The presence.

Dong'an Dynasty is a very powerful dynasty, because Dong'an's national surname is Chu, and the strongest man on the entire continent is called Chu Yi.

No one knows Chu Yi's age and origin. From a long time ago, he was the national teacher of the Dong'an Dynasty. He has a pair of purple pupils and wears a delicate mask for years.

Rumor has it that Chu Yi's appearance is so perfect that he can kill people with that face.

Therefore, all the people who have seen his appearance are dead.

Yang Wan has been here for decades. Although... Mu Yuxin said that it has only been six years, Yang Wan has indeed lived here for decades.

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