Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1211: 1211: Looking for flaws (2)

When it was time to eat, Chu Yi asked someone to invite Ning Huanxin to eat.

It was the maid in white who came to invite Ning Huanxin. Ning Huanxin remembers her name is Zhiyue.

"Zhiyue, has your National Normal University always been like this?"

Ning Huanxin asked Zhiyue as she walked. She felt bored too, and didn't expect the maid to answer anything.

Sure enough, when she heard this question, Zhiyue looked ugly and said nothing.

Hey, I really don't know what life they are living under Chu Yi.


Today, the breakfast in the Palace of the National Masters is also very rich, with many new tricks.

The huge dining room was still empty, only the two of them.

When the dishes were ready, a maid respectfully closed the door from the outside. At this time, Chu Yi slowly took off the mask.

Although it was the second time I met, Ning Huanxin still felt that her eyes were going to be blinded.

Too beautiful.

She couldn't help taking another look.

"Don't you see enough?"

Chu Yi teased her.


Ning Huanxin nodded, and squeezed a piece of beef: "With such a beautiful face, I can really eat. I guess I can eat another bowl of rice."

Chu Yi:...

It was the first time that the Master of National Normal University heard someone complimenting his appearance...you can eat.

What the **** is this.

"You are such a baby."

Chu Yi smiled, looking at Ning Huanxin strangely.

"Do you know that I have lived for a long time, and I can't remember my own age for so long. In so many long years, I have never seen someone like you."

Chu Yi's words were full of emotion.

"What kind of person am I? It's not just two eyes and one mouth. I'm not as good-looking as you in terms of appearance. In terms of body shape, you, the maid in the National Teacher's Palace, are comparable to me. In terms of talent..."

Ning Huanxin suddenly stopped and thought: "Probably my talent is still pretty good."

Chu Yi:...

"Of course, it doesn't matter."

Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled mysteriously at Chu Yi: "You are interested in me, it is my blood, isn't it?"


A gleam of light flashed in Chu Yi's purple eyes, and finally he nodded slowly.

"Your bloodline is indeed rare in thousands of years, the daughter of the Nine Suns, this is the first time I have lived for so long!"

"Before Gu Qianchen just wanted my blood, but do you seem to want to double repair with me?"

Ning Huanxin tilted his head, smiled and looked at Chu Yi, and suddenly said: "You said you look so good, maybe you are a little older, but you can't tell from the appearance. Hey, are you strong? My requirements for my future husband are very high."

"How strong do you want to be?"

Chu Yi suddenly raised his eyes, looking at Ning Huanxin deeply.

"Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, why don't you call a few maidservants, show them in person, and let me see?"

The smile on the corner of Ning Huanxin's lips had a deep meaning.

Hearing her words, Chu Yi's face was calm and calm.

Suddenly lowered his eyes.

"You want me to consume my energy and take the opportunity to assassinate me, right?"

Chu Yi's voice was calm: "How about we make a bet?"

"What are you betting on?"

Ning Huanxin glanced at Chu Yi, alert.

"In one month, within a month, if you kill me, you will be free. If you can't kill me, don't resist, marry me obediently, how about?"

Chu Yiyun said this condition lightly.

Ning Huan shook his head without thinking, "You want to be beautiful."

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