Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1216: 1216: Break the prohibition (5)

Ning Huanxin faced the black stone slab in the other courtyard, with nothing to do.

She used various methods, and burned it with the flames of the blood-free red lotus, but she still couldn't open the stone slab!

The material of this thing is special, does it have to be opened in a specific way?

Is it still formation?

Ning Huanxin is not very proficient in the battle method. After studying for a long time, she still can't find the way, but...

Ning Huanxin took out the Golden Dragon Compass again. The golden light in the Golden Dragon Compass kept hovering in mid-air. Even if he couldn't find the secret of this black stone slab, he could find a way to destroy the eye here.

Thinking of this, Ning Huanxin raised his hand, and there was a long sword in his hand.

This sword is called Jinghong!

"Jinghong Sword, Jinghong Sword, you have reached my hand and have not yet used your power. It's time for others to see how good you are!"

Before Ning Huanxin's words fell, she slammed her aura into the Jinghong Sword, and there was a sound of earth-shaking swords, and then the entire Jinghong Sword rose into the sky, really as graceful as a surprise!

What a beautiful sword!

This sword was one of the gifts Ning Huanxin received when he was engaged.

She received a lot of gifts that day, and those gifts contained precious jewels, mysterious techniques, and some very strange magical objects and weapons.

The Jinghong Sword was given to Ning Huanxin by Yuye.

This is a great gift.

Because Jiang Lixing told Ning Huanxin that this shocking sword is a magic weapon!

Originally, Ning Huanxin had practiced Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship. She planned to use the Jinghong Sword for actual combat, but when she was in Yuhaishan, Ning Huanxin tried several times. This sword was completely incompatible with the mental formula.

In fact, since Ning Huanxin learned Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship, she has never successfully performed it once!

This is really...very hard.

Ning Huanxin didn't know what went wrong. At first, she thought it was because she didn't have any weapons and no good spirit swords.

However, with the Jinghong Sword later, after Ning Huanxin's experiment, it still didn't work.

In the end, she had to put away the Jinghong Sword, and never used it.

Unexpectedly, when I got here, the Jinghong Sword would be useful again.

At this moment, the Jinghong Sword was flying in mid-air, seeming to cut something.

The prohibition of the Palace of the National Masters began to falter!


At this time, a slender figure flew from a distance.

Chu Yi was wearing a black shirt, with thin clothes and flying ink.

Seeing the Jinghong Sword in the sky, he condensed, and then cast his eyes down at Ning Huanxin.

"Come here to dance swords at night, you are really in good spirits. Do you want me to practice against you?"

"Don't dare to bother Master Guo Shi."

Ning Huanxin beckoned again, and the Jinghong Sword had returned to Ning Huanxin's hands again.

"Good sword."

Chu Yi looked at the Jinghong Sword in Ning Huanxin's hand that still exudes cold light and a touch of spiritual power, and his eyes are full of flickering light.

"Your sword is very unusual."

Chu Yi has lived for many years, knows well, and can recognize it at a glance. The sword in Ning Huanxin's hand is a spirit sword, and it is also an unopened sword that has never been stuck with a trace of blood since it was created!

"This is a gift from a friend, named Jinghong!"

In ancient times, there was the Jinghong Sword, and the sword Qi Jinghong!

And she has a shocking sword, Pianruo shocking!

"The moonlight tonight is pretty good, it's better to compare it with you and me. If you win, I will answer your question."

As Chu Yi said, he waved his hand, and a dark long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

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