Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1220: 1220: Reunion (1)

Chu Yi was the **** of the Dong'an Dynasty.

And the Palace of the National Master, the holy place of the entire dynasty!

Therefore, when something happened to the Palace of the National Teachers, even if Chu Xuan was lucky enough to be a new beauty in the palace, he immediately put on his clothes and rushed with people at the fastest speed.

"This seat has been out of the gate, and there is nothing serious about it. Leave it!"

A deep and **** voice came from the Hall of the National Teacher.

"Yes, Master of National Normal University!"

Hearing Chu Yi's voice, everyone respectfully bowed to the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, and then, under the leadership of Chu Xuan, slowly turned and left.

Ning Huanxin was already at the gate of the National Master Hall at this time. The gate of the National Master Hall was still closed. She hid in the door, her body covered by the dark night.

Ning Huanxin heard what Chu Xuan and Chu Yi had just said.

She can feel the supreme status and rights that Chu Yi has here.

Watching the emperor walk away with a group of people and disappear.

Ning Huanxin quietly opened a crack in the door and slipped out of the gate of the National Teacher's Hall.

She didn't plan to run away, but planned to take a look around the imperial city and check for Mu Yuxin or Yang Wan.

There were many masters secretly ambushing around Chu Yi's National Teacher Hall, but no one came out to stop Ning Huanxin.

In fact, Ning Huan knew from the bottom of her heart that Chu Yi was not afraid of her escape, and she would not be able to escape.

Because if you want to travel back, you must find the connection point of two time and space, and that place must be in the Palace of the National Teacher!


That connection point is probably in Chu Yi's secret room!

Because the maid of the National Teacher Palace said that the National Teacher often retreats. Every time Chu Yi retreats, it should be when he leaves this world to travel. He is only passing through the spirit and soul, but the body must stay. Then, he must guarantee His body will stay in an absolutely safe place, where no one will be disturbed, no outsiders will find out, and he will be able to preserve his body well.

Therefore, there must be such a secret room in the Palace of the National Teacher, maybe that secret room is still extending in all directions.

Ning Huanxin put away her thoughts, and her figure quickly disappeared into the night.


The entire imperial city was so big that Ning Huanxin didn't find any useful clues after walking for a long time. Just when she was about to turn around and change places, suddenly, a portrait on the palace wall caused her idea.

Although it was dark all around, Ning Huan's eyes were very good. She took a look and found that the person in the portrait was very similar to herself.

And a few lines were written under the portrait.

This is a portrait of a missing person. It doesn't say what the person is looking for. It just says that those who have clues can go to the Jinluan Palace to report to the concubine Wan, and there will be a heavy award.

Wan Guifei?

Isn't it... the missing Yang Wan?

Ning Huanxin was a little puzzled. Yang Wan didn't know herself. The only person who could find someone to paint this portrait should be Mu Yuxin!

So, is Mu Yuxin with Yang Wan now?

Thinking of this, Ning Huanxin immediately smiled.

Then, it's much easier, as long as she finds the concubine Wan, she can find Mu Yuxin and Yang Wan!

Thinking of this, Ning Huanxin immediately flashed her figure, she walked through the palace like a ghost, and after walking for a while, she finally met a lonely little palace lady.

Ning Huanxin immediately flashed over and appeared in front of the little palace lady.


The little palace lady subconsciously wanted to scream, but she was immediately covered by Ning Huanxin's mouth.

"Don't cry, I won't hurt you, you see who I am."

Ning Huanxin's tone was very gentle, and the little palace lady aside heard her voice and immediately gave up the struggle.

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