Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1224: 1224: She is not easy

Chu Yi's status in this world is too special, and Yang Wan looks absolutely not kind, so Ning Huanxin did not tell the truth.

She did not tell Mu Yuxin and Yang Wan that she lived in the Palace of the National Teacher.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Mu Yuxin hesitated for a while, but when she thought of Ning Huanxin's identity, she finally nodded: "Well, well, if you have anything in the future, please come to me and Sister Wan'er at any time."

Seeing Ning Huanxin's reluctance to stay, Yang Wan did not force it.

She has been in the harem for decades, and naturally knows how to retract it freely.

"This is my entry and exit card of Jinluan Palace."

At this time, Yang Wan suddenly took out something from her arms: "With this, you can go in and out of my palace at will in the future. If you encounter any trouble in the imperial city, you can also take this as a A token, others will surely give me a little bit of face."

Yang Wan is very thoughtful in her work.


Ning Huanxin put away his waist cards and smiled at the two people faintly: "It's too early, I'll leave first, let me contact you if I have something to do!"

With that, Ning Huanxin got up and left.

Seeing Ning Huanxin leaving the bedroom, Yang Wancai whispered in a low voice: "Yu Xin, you friend, it's not easy!"

Whether it is appearance, temperament, behavior and her eyes, it is not simple.

"It's not easy to love her. She has a very good background. In our original world, she is a big star!"

When Mu Yuxin heard Yang Wan's words, she couldn't help but whisper to the side: "Moreover...her martial arts are really powerful, definitely not embroidered with fists, so sister Wan'er don't worry about her, I believe she won't have any trouble!"


Yang Wan nodded slowly, and she lowered her eyes slightly. The expressions in her eyes were unclear.

National Division Hall.

When Ning Huanxin came back, she still didn't see anyone.

She went back to the yard where she rested yesterday unimpeded.

Without that restriction, I always felt that the aura in the National Teacher's Hall was different, and Ning Huanxin was still sitting on the bed, practicing quietly.

Today, Jinghong Sword was opened, and Ning Huanxin still remembers the unparalleled appearance of that sword.

I wonder if the current Jinghong Sword can be used with Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship?

Ning Huanxin intends to try again!

So she found a few spells and arranged a barrier in the room, and then secretly operated the mantra of Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship in her heart, and immediately, Ning Huanxin summoned the Jinghong Sword.

When Jinghongjian sensed the sword art of Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship, the entire sword body immediately trembled!

The same was true the last time the Jinghong Sword was used in the experiment, but every time the sword trembles, it will die soon and there will be no response.

Ning Huanxin didn't know the reason, could it be because the Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship had any special requirements for the spirit swords used to cast spells?

It seems to be repelling all swords.

Ning Huanxin insisted on supporting it with her spiritual power. She was ready. If she failed this time, next time, unless she found a fairy sword, she would not experiment again!

As time passed, the Jinghong Sword had been floating in midair.

Ning Huanxin's face was pale, still barely supporting it. Suddenly, Jinghong Sword uttered a cry, endless sword aura gushing out of the sword, and it broke through the barrier under Ning Huan's heart in an instant.

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