Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1228: 1228: The Art of the Sword (2)

"The art of swordsmanship emphasizes the connection between people and swords."

While Chu Yi said, he commanded Xuan'er Sword with his spiritual power.

Ning Huanxin glanced aside for a few moments. At first, she was a little careless, but slowly, she began to get serious and entered the state.

Chu Yi explained carefully and moved very slowly, as if he was afraid that Ning Huan would not understand it.

After a while, he suddenly put away the Xuan'er sword and turned to look at Ning Huanxin: "Understand? You can try it!"


Ning Huanxin had long been eager to try. After hearing what Chu Yi said, she immediately released the Jinghong Sword. Then, following the method that Chu Yi just explained, she slowly released her spiritual power, but did not rush to control the Jinghong Sword. Instead, he used his own spiritual power and mental power to penetrate the body of Jinghong Sword very soothingly and tenderly, and walked several times on its blade. Sure enough, slowly, Ning Huanxin got a response.

Although it was just a feeling, very light and light, Ning Huanxin really felt it.

This sword is responding to her and getting close to her!

"I feel it now!"

Ning Huan was so happy that he shouted excitedly and glanced at Chu Yi.

In the next second, her bright smile closed back suddenly.

He smiled at the enemy.

Ning Huanxin's smile came and went fast, fleeting, just like brilliant fireworks.

Chu Yi stared at Ning Huanxin's face, watching her smile suddenly cooled down, and he narrowed his eyes.

"You continue to practice. I only teach you these things today. As a human being, you must not be greedy."

Especially, don't be greedy...

Things that shouldn't belong to you at all, or...people.

Chu Yi floated away, and Ning Huanxin continued to concentrate on communicating with Jinghongjian. It turned out that even if a sword does not have a sword soul, she still has her own happiness, anger, sorrow and joy.

It's amazing.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ning Huanxin has been communicating with Jinghongjian until she feels that the sword in her hand is like a part of her body, which can be used at will according to her own mind.

At this moment, suddenly there was a voice that seemed like nothing--

"Feng Yan begs to see Master Guoshi!"

"The heroic general feudalizes, please see the Master of the National Normal University!"

General Feng?

Hearing this voice, Ning Huanxin suddenly stopped.

Isn't Feng Yan the man who admitted that he was his sister?

Why is he here again?

Ning Huanxin was a little curious, so she couldn't help putting away the Jinghong Sword, and then walked out quickly.

The sun was shining outside the Palace of the National Teachers.

Feng Yan wore a black military robes, heroic, tall and handsome.

At this moment he was standing straight outside the National Teacher's Hall, looking at the gate with solemn and sincere eyes.


At this moment, the heavy door was finally slowly pulled from inside.

Feng Yan immediately shook his spirits and looked at the door nervously.

The gates of the National Master Hall are rarely opened, and every time it opens, it is a major event.

Of course, during this period, the gate of the National Teacher's Hall was opened several times, such as sending the saint back to the house, and then sending the saint back.


In short, every time it has something to do with Feng Jia.

Eyeliners were scattered all around the imperial city, and many people, including your majesty, were secretly observing everything in the Palace of the National Teacher.

They dare not monitor the National Normal University, but they are afraid that they will miss the opportunity to please the National Normal University.

At this time, the gates of the Palace of the National Master had all opened, and a slim figure appeared in front of Feng Yan.

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