Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1230: 1230: To seal the house to heaven?

"I said, what's the matter with Feng Thirteen? Why don't you explain the matter to the person who sealed the house? Did you harm the girl to death?"

Ning Huanxin caught up with Chu Yi and asked in a low voice.

Chu Yi:...

What is scourge dead?

The National Normal University is very speechless.


Feng Yan, who was not far behind, finally recovered.

He actually broke into the Palace of the National Teacher without authorization?

This is not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that after he broke in, not only did he not die, but also the Master of the National Normal University asked him to stay for dinner?

Having lived for decades, Feng Yan had never encountered such a bizarre thing!


Is it because of my sister?

He had just been in a daze, as if he heard his sister call the name of Master Guoshi——

His Majesty's name is not even dare to call it.

too terrifying.

It's really terrible.

Not to mention that Feng Yan felt terrible, the spies of the major forces in the imperial city were going crazy--

What did they see?

Feng Yan forcibly broke into the Palace of the National Teacher? Finally went in without incident?

No, this matter must be reported to his master immediately. It seems that Fengjia is going to heaven!

Those eyeliners all rushed to leave. After a while, the entire imperial city knew what had just happened...

At this time, in the Palace of the National Teacher.

Feng Yan sat stiffly in the hall.

Chu Yi sat on the high seat beside him, still wearing a mask.

Feng Yan didn't dare to look up, or look into Chu Yi's eyes.

The purple eyes of the Master of National Normal University can also kill people.

Sitting opposite Feng Yan, Ning Huanxin sensed the depressed atmosphere in the hall. Ning Huan's eyes constricted and took the initiative to speak: "Chu Yi, just like General Feng is here, you should tell him clearly, the real Feng Yan Thirteen, where is it?"


Upon hearing this, Feng Yan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Ning Huanxin——

Isn't the little girl right in front of you?

What is the real front cover?

Almost subconsciously, Feng Yan clenched his fists gently.

He didn't dare to think, let alone listen.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Chu Yi turned his head slightly and glanced at Feng Yan.

"General Feng, she is indeed not your sister."

Chu Yi's voice has no emotion.

In Feng Yan's dark eyes at the time, a surprised and complex light flashed.

"Master of National Normal University!"

He suddenly stood up slowly, stiffening his back, and knelt down straight.

"Master of National Normal University, Thirteen She..."

Feng Yan couldn't ask, at this moment, he was not afraid of Chu Yi, he was afraid, afraid to hear an answer he didn't want to hear.

In the bottom of his heart, the little girl was always a small ball, white, wrinkled, and thin.

At the beginning, he personally held her into the palace and brought her to the gate of the National Teacher Hall.

In this blink of an eye, twenty years!

Twenty years, it was not a long time in the Dong'an Dynasty. For Feng Yan, it seemed to be only a moment.

He always felt that the younger sister was still living very well and could get the best of everything in the Palace of the National Teacher.

But now...

"She is still alive."

Chu Yi spoke again, these four words were like a dawn, making Feng Yan's eyes lit up in an instant.

"However, she is not in the National Teacher's Hall now."

Chu Yi turned around.

"If your brothers and sisters are fate, we will meet again in the future..."

Chu Yi did not say where the front cover was.

When I heard Chu Yi's words, Feng Yan was satisfied.

"Thank you, Master National Normal University, for your suggestion!"

Feng Yan was still kneeling on the ground, and he dared not get up without Chu Yi speaking.

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