Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1236: 1236: The Bone in the Secret Chamber

"General Feng?"

Mu Yuxin was stunned for a moment. She seemed to have heard the ladies in the palace mentioned Feng General, but Mu Yuxin was not a gossip, so she had never asked anyone to find out who this General Feng was.


"Haixin, do you know him?"

Mu Yuxin was very curious, thinking that Ning Huanxin had any friendship with Feng Yan.

"Is General Feng your friend?"

She asked subconsciously, and she felt that Ning Huanxin was really powerful. In such a short time, she made good friends here.

Who knew Ning Huanxin shook his head.

"I just know him, not a friend, but... as long as you give him this letter, he will definitely help you."

This may be the only way to help Mu Yuxin, but Ning Huanxin didn't want her to use this letter.

Ning Huanxin knew that Feng Yan was very nervous about her little sister Feng Shisan. She deliberately mentioned Feng Shisan in the letter and hinted that as long as he helped Mu Yuxin, she would tell him Feng Shisan's whereabouts.

"If Feng Yan asks about me, you just say that I'm wandering around and don't know how long to come back."

How long can this kind of thing last.

"Oh, got it."

Mu Yuxin nodded blankly.

"Then I'm leaving, don't tell Yang Wan about this, don't let her see this letter, be careful with her."

Ning Huanxin left these words and then turned and left.

Mu Yuxin looked inexplicable alone in the same place-

Watch out for sister Wan'er?

Could she... be against herself?

Mu Yuxin clenched the letter that Ning Huanxin left for herself, her eyes complicated.

She didn't believe that Yang Wan would do something to be sorry for herself, but...

Since this letter was reserved exclusively for herself by Joy, Mu Yuxin will definitely keep it carefully and will not tell anyone, even if she leaves a thought.


National Division Hall.

After Ning Huanxin came back, she felt Jiang Lixing's position. It turned out that Jiang Lixing had already arrived in the courtyard of the National Teacher's Palace without realizing it.

In this yard, there is a black stone slab. Ning Huanxin felt that something was wrong before, but it just couldn't open it.

And now, Jiang Lixing has found this place, and opened the black stone slab.

"There is a secret room here. It should be the place where Chu Yi retreats, and it is also the space-time node of the two worlds."

Jiang Lixing hadn't gone down yet, and he had already felt a tingling cold sensation. Below, it was very cold.

"It really is here, let's go down and take a look."

The entrance of this secret room was a magic circle, and two people passed the magic circle and instantly arrived in the secret room.

The air in the whole room was gloomy and cold, and the huge night pearl exuded soft fluorescence.

The secret room was surrounded by cold jade!

In the center of the secret room, there are a lot of cold jade coffins!

"There is someone in the coffin."

Jiang Lixing glanced at it, then suddenly withdrew his gaze, the coffin is actually bones?

Does this bone still need a cold jade coffin to preserve it?

Isn't it weird?

"Looking at the color of these white bones, it should have just become white bones, they..."

"They were originally fresh corpses, perhaps with the breath of living people."

Ning Huan said in a low heart.

"The cold jade coffin can ensure the freshness of the corpse and prevent it from decay. It is said that it will not deform for decades or hundreds of years. One of these coffins is empty."

Ning Huanxin's fingers swept across the surface of the coffins, and the fingertips were cold.

One coffin, two coffins, three coffins...

There are a total of eight coffins with seven sets of bones inside, and the eighth coffin is empty.

Because this coffin usually holds Chu Yi's body in full bloom.

"Chu Yi is only going through the divine mind, and his body will stay in this secret room. Similarly, every time he crosses, Chu Yi will change his body. Therefore, the seven bones here were originally seven resident bodies. The bodies used in the time and space that have traveled to us, but now they have all become bones."

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