Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1247: 1247: Late Justice

Li Hui didn't expect that after so many years, Sui Yushu, who seemed to have settled down under the circumstances, still had a fire in his heart.

How about a young man in his 20s and 30s?

"Sure enough, a very boring man."

Li Hui smiled, her eyes became very complicated and solemn, she carefully collected all the materials——

Perhaps Yanbei University can return to its original state, or even better.


With the advancement of the plot of the serious crime team, the erasure of surveillance video that year has also surfaced, and the Qin Meng case six years ago was uncovered again!

"This time, can you really reverse the case?"

Lu Dongbin asked Ning Huanxin to the coffee shop and looked at her expectantly.


Ning Huan nodded vigorously: "Yu Ju has obtained approval, and your father's case can be investigated and evidence collected again, and the suspect has been arrested in a foreign country and is on his way back to Yanjing!"

Although some justice comes later, as long as it is the truth, it will never be buried.

"Thank you, thank you."

Lu Dongbin stood up suddenly and bowed deeply at Ning Huan.

"Don't thank me. I didn't do anything. There is a man who has been working hard for your father's case all these years. Now he can reverse the case. It's all thanks to him. When the case is over, you can meet each other, right at school. In that wood, okay? Let's witness that moment together."

The person Ning Huanxin said was naturally Yu Yuesheng.

Since Fan Hua, also known as Fan Hua, was arrested in the field, Yu Yuesheng’s heart finally settled down. He even took a plane to the field and conducted a surprise interrogation of Fan Hua. Fan Hua couldn’t resist the pressure and finally Tell the truth about the crimes committed that year!

He was really lucky. Not only did he have Chen Anwen as a scapegoat, but the Song family put pressure on him, and people from the school helped him erase the evidence.


His luck ends here.

"I'm on the way to bring people back, girl, I have a request, and I hope you must agree to it. I heard that the people in the three outstanding cases can not only see ghosts, but there are also ways to let others see ghosts. I can ask You, let me see Chen Anwen after the case is over?"

I'm sorry, until now, Yu Yuesheng still wants to tell Chen Anwen himself.

Ning Huanxin didn't expect Yu Yuesheng to make such a request, but she still agreed to him.


In the coffee shop.

When Lu Dongbin heard Ning Huanxin's words, he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"Miss Ning, the person you are talking about...is the policeman from that year?"

Lu Dongbin didn't know how to describe his feelings. He was very resentful over Yuesheng, but then he grew up slowly, and he also knew that his father's case could not be finalized by Yu Yuesheng alone.

He can help himself and his mother pay for medical expenses, which is already rare and kind.

"I just want to see him too."

Lu Dongbin took a deep breath and was about to say something. Suddenly, his face changed slightly.

Feeling Lu Dongbin's gaze staying behind him, Ning Huan turned his head subconsciously and saw Pan Yingying's figure.

"Dongbin, Huanxin, why are you here?"

Pan Yingying was walking towards the two people at this time, with an unexpected look on her face.

"Dongbin, didn't you say you want to go out shopping with your brother in the dormitory?"

At this time, Pan Yingying already knew that she was deceived by Lu Dongbin, but for what?

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