Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1252: 1252: The dust settles

After returning to the bedroom from the woods of the school, Pan Yingying was still very excited and could not sleep at all.

"Huaxin, it turns out there are ghosts in this world."

I don’t know why, now that the word “ghost” is mentioned, Pan Yingying is not scared at all, because the first ghost she saw was Chen Anwen, who was a very loving uncle, who made people feel very warm, safe and complete. Will not be scared.

If the ghosts are in this state, it doesn't seem to be terrible.

"In this world, there are many creatures that we can't explain, or we don't even know."

Ning Huanxin muttered to herself while lying on the bed.

We don't know, don't know, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

"Well, I didn't expect Huanxin that you still know someone from Xuanmen, it's really amazing."

Having said this, Pan Yingying suddenly turned her head to look at Ning Huanxin: "Huaxin, can you ask a friend to help find Yuxin?"

Mu Yuxin...

This name touched Ning Huanxin's heart, and she suddenly thought of Chu Yi.

That was not the first time she killed someone.

But when Chu Yi smiled and bleeds to death in front of her, when his flesh and blood, his soul, and everything about him merged into the Shocking Sword, Ning Huanxin's heart was truly shocked.

So, since I came back to the present, Ning Huanxin has never been on WeChat, and has never seen the tasks of the WeChat system.

When the side mission is completed, there will be high points. It was originally a very happy thing, but Ning Huanxin was totally unhappy...


Seeing Ning Huan's heart froze there, Pan Yingying couldn't help calling her again.

"Haixin, what's the matter with you? Is it okay? I think your complexion is not good. You have lost a lot of weight these days. You must have not had a good meal in the hospital?

"It's okay, I just... was thinking about something."

Ning Huanxin came back to his senses, glanced at Pan Yingying, and whispered lightly: "Actually, I also asked a friend to help find Mu Yuxin, but my friend said...the secret is not to be revealed, Yuxin, she should be Live your own life far away."

That is our untouchable time and space.

"Is that so?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Pan Yingying thought for a moment, and finally nodded vigorously.

"I see, anyway, as long as Yu Xin is fine."


Ning Huan responded, and both of them stopped talking...

Qin Meng’s case, Mu Yuxin’s disappearance, had been a lot of trouble at Yanbei University for a while, and Ning Huanxin had recently started to study seriously, because she was absent for several days when she was hospitalized, so many students took the initiative to give Ning Huanxin. Tutoring, show her her notes, even Sui Yushu specially lent some of her notes to Ning Huanxin.

The school leadership team of Yanbei University has also been purged. Now Director Li has become the acting vice-principal. I heard that the school leadership intends to let Sui Yushu be the director, but he refused.

This teacher is really amazing.

However, Ning Huanxin likes him very much, likes this man's free and easy, eclectic, at the same time, he has his own justice and his own style of doing things.

He doesn't need the approval of others, he doesn't need the praise of others, as long as he is comfortable and comfortable...

This kind of life attitude is really enviable, at least, Ning Huanxin feels that he is still far behind.

In a blink of an eye, at the end of the month, Xu Songhai once called Ning Huanxin, saying that people from the ability group would come to Yanjing to handle the case.

Therefore, Ning Huanxin didn't have too many surprises when he suddenly received a strange call.

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