Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1264: 1264: Pale Female Corpse

"Haixin, why don't you chat with King Jiang?"

At this time, Xie Yudie glanced at Ning Huanxin suddenly: "Are you afraid that I'm upset? It's okay, I'm all right now, don't care about me."

"No, Ah Xing has an announcement, he is busy."

Ning Huanxin shook his head, Jiang Lixing was indeed busy recently.

"Oh, that's it, then you'd better go with me, and I will invite you to dinner! By the way, call Xu Changan!"

Saying that, Xie Yudie took Ning Huanxin and walked out, calling Xu Changan while walking.

When the two walked to the gate of the Internet cafe, they suddenly heard the sound of police sirens.

Ning Huanxin frowned sensitively, and the police siren went from far to near, and finally stopped in a small alley on the opposite street.

The small alley had been cordoned off a long time ago, and a team of policemen was watching, and the onlookers couldn't see the situation inside.

"what's going on?"

Some people gathered at the door of the Internet cafe, and everyone was bowing their heads and talking--

"I heard that the body was found."

"This street is very close to Bar Street. There have been many fights and injuries, but this is the first time I have seen such a big battle."

"Maybe it's a big case? I heard it was a female corpse!"


Ning Huanxin was stunned when she heard other people's comments.

"Haixin, what's wrong?"

Xie Yudie on the side, seeing Ning Huan absent-minded, couldn't help but pull her.

"It's okay, let's go."

Ning Huanxin took Xie Yudie and hurriedly left the Internet cafe.

After Ning Huanxin left, three familiar figures appeared on the street. They were the three members of the ability group!

"That's it."

Lin Xuyang still wearing a baseball cap, looking at the cordon not far away, he slightly pulled the brim of his hat.

"Another victim."

Haesu sighed.

"Let's go, let's go over and take a look."

Wu Chuan made a gesture and walked over with two people.

At this time, the police had surrounded the scene of the crime.

"My own person."

Wu Chuan squeezed through the crowd and took out his own ID. This case was very special. The person in charge of the case had already received the notice from above, so seeing Wu Chuan's ID, they immediately put the three people in.

The entire crime scene is well protected, with more than one cordon.

There is no way, this kind of case cannot be seen, otherwise, it will definitely cause public panic.

"The deceased was an Asian female, aged between 23 and 25."

The forensic doctor saw the three figures of Wu Chuan and immediately stood up and reported in a low voice.

"let me see."

Wu Chuan walked over, squatted down, and slowly lifted the covering on the deceased, and a pale corpse appeared in front of him.

The face of the deceased was strangely pale, her expression was very peaceful, and there should be no pain in her death.

There are no scars on the surface of this body, but...

Wu Chuan put on the gloves and gently lifted the deceased's long hair. Two small holes could be seen in the back of her neck, which seemed to have been bitten by some sharp teeth.

"Let's take it back for inspection first, let's look around."

There was no strange look on Wu Chuan's face, but the forensic doctor on the side had a heavy look.

This is not the first time he has seen such a corpse.

Even if it hasn't been dissected yet, he can clearly guess that the strangeness of this corpse--

The blood in her body was sucked dry.

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