Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1267: 1267: Bystander Clear

"You mean... the murder here is related to Zhou Han? He is... Bai Yunzi's disciple, how can he kill casually? What is the identity of the deceased? Could he also be a member of the Profound Sect?"

Xu Changan's expression became more solemn at this time. Although he is not familiar with Zhou Han, the person in the Profound Clan can still judge that person's temperament based on the look and breath of a person.

Unless the opponent is too much higher than your cultivation base, otherwise, you will definitely not be wrong.

In Xu Changan's opinion, Zhou Han should be a good person, more upright, how could he...

"I don't have time to investigate the identity of the deceased and the specific circumstances of the case, but I know that people from the ability group have intervened in this case."

Ning Huanxin replied in a low voice.

The three organizations, the ability group, the dragon group, and the unsolved case, are the three mysterious organizations of China.

Xu Changan naturally knew the existence of the ability group. Hearing Ning Huanxin's mention of the ability group, Xu Changan's expression became even more solemn.

If this case really shocked the power team, it will definitely not be an ordinary case, and it is likely to be a very large and mysterious case.

"People from the ability group came to Yanjing this time, as if to catch a vampire."

This is not a big secret, and Ning Huanxin didn't have to hide it from Xu Changan.

"I used to join the three outstanding cases, this time our director asked me to cooperate with them, but they don't seem to need help."

Ning Huanxin said very calmly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xu Changan suddenly shook his head with a helpless look: "Doesn't need help? Their eyes are above the top and domineering, don't you like to pay attention to them?"

People in the power group always think that their organization is the No. 1 organization in China, and they often don't put others in their eyes, and they have always looked down on people in the Profound Sect. So...Xu Changan doesn't have any good feelings for them either.

"Their personality is really not very good. But the breath is really strong."

Ning Huanxin didn't deny this point, but she had never fought those three people before, and she didn't know what their abilities were.

"Why do you think this case has something to do with Zhou Han? Just because Zhou Han appeared near here last night?"

At this time, Xu Changan asked Ning Huanxin again.

Ning Huanxin shook his head: "It's not just that, I think Zhou Han behaved very strangely, Xiaodie told me..."

Ning Huanxin told Xu Changan what Xie Yudie had told him.

"I don't think Zhou Han is that kind of person, and even if he really empathizes, he doesn't even dare to show his face, right?"

This is too strange!

Therefore, Ning Huanxin suspected that Zhou Han might have encountered something.

Xie Yudie is a fan of the authorities, while Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan are bystanders.

"Haixin, your suspicion is reasonable, and I also think that Zhou Han and Xiaodie should have another inside story when they broke up. The most important thing now is that we must find Zhou Han first."

Find Zhou Han.

Hearing Xu Changan's words, Ning Huanxin nodded: "Perhaps, someone can help us."

Ning Huanxin doesn't know Zhou Han, but there is one person who should be very familiar with Zhou Han. That person is Zhou Han's junior sister, Yang A Nuan!

"I have A Nuan's phone number. I will contact her later. She should be still in Yanjing. Let's see her."

Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan walked around the scene of the crime. The scene was clean and the murderer left nothing. Of course, if any clues were left, they would have been taken away by the police.

After talking on the phone with Yang Ahnuan, Ning Huanxin took Xu Changan and drove there.

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