Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1279: 1279: Help from the Hanged Ghost (2)

Yenching Medical University?

Hearing Nan Yu's words, Ning Huan was taken aback. She really knew this school, which was not far from Yanbei University, because this area was called a university town, and there were seven or eight universities in the nearby streets. College.

And Yenching Medical University is among them.

Foolish: Okay, I see, I will definitely go to Nan Xiao when I have time, but do you have your brother's contact information?

Yanjing Medical University is also a well-known university, and naturally there are many students.

To find someone who only knows the name in such a big school is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is very difficult.

Hanged Ghost: I only know that Nan Xiao is now studying at Yanjing Medical University. After all... I have been dead for too long. When I left, he was still young. Now... I will think of a way again. Can you find your brother's contact information?

Nan Yu lives in Fengdu City. Although he can't live without it, there are some places and some ghosts in Fengdu City, and they sell some information and information from Yangjian at high prices.

As long as you have enough underworld points and exchanges, you can buy news about your relatives in the sun from the hands of those ghosts.

Nan Yu seems to be cold, but in fact it is very emotional.

Moreover, the most sorry thing in her life is her relatives.

Although many years have passed, she has been unwilling to forgive herself, so even though she arrived in the capital city, Nan Yu has never been reincarnated.

She was just making atonement silently.

You don’t need to worry about it anymore, Nan Yu, you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll go find it. I still have some options. It should be more convenient than you. If I find him, I’ll take your words. Tell him.

Ning Huanxin also guessed that Nan Yu was just an ordinary ghost. It must be very difficult to find some information about Yang Jian in the underworld.

Hanged Ghost: Thank you, joy, thank you so much!

Seeing Ning Huanxin's message, Nan Yu kept thanking him.

In fact, Nan Yu can also spend points to use Huangquan Express to meet Nan Xiao in his dream, but the dream created by Huangquan Express can easily forget the scene in the dream when mortals wake up.

Nan Yu was afraid that Nan Xiao would not remember his reminder and went deep into danger.

Fortunately, she also knew a friend from Yang Jian. At this moment, Nan Yu was really lucky.

Fortunately, she met Ning Huanxin in the WeChat group.


After chatting with Nan Yu, Ning Huanxin was leaning on the bedside and holding a mobile phone to view the information of Yanjing Medical University. Yanjing Medical University is also a very famous institution. If you can enter this school, Nan Xiao’s grades should be It is also very good.

In fact, there is no way to find Nan Xiao, just through the Internet.

Ning Huanxin looked at Pan Yingying who was still sleeping on the opposite bed.

She can ask Lin Jianping for help. As long as she invades into the custody of Yanjing Medical University, she can find Nan Xiao's contact information, his department, and the bedroom, all at a glance.

But what about after finding Nan Xiao?

I can't tell Nan Xiao that your sister entrusted me with a dream and told me that you will be in danger. Let me be careful, right?

As a college student with IQ online, he would believe it.

If Nan Xiao didn't believe his words, wouldn't he be in vain?

It seems that this matter has to be considered for a long time.

Ning Huanxin put down the phone, thinking about it, and fell asleep without knowing it.

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