Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1281: 1281: Looking for Nan Xiao (2)

"His name is Nan Xiao. Nan in the south, Xiao He's Xiao. Also, the gender is male."

Ning Huanxin told Lin Jianping Nan Xiao's name in great detail.

"found it."

Not long after she finished speaking, Lin Jianping raised his hand and turned the screen of the notebook to Ning Huanxin's eyes.

Ning Huanxin:...

Is this too fast?

Nima, looks so good, and my sister is also quite a hacker.


Ning Huanxin gave Lin Jianping a thumbs up while looking at the information on the screen.

The name Nan Xiao is not too special, but fortunately, in the student record of Yanjing Medical University, there is only one boy named Nan Xiao!

Junior student of clinical department, Nan Xiao.

The information contains Nan Xiao's dormitory address, his family information, and the phone number of their dormitory.

"I should be able to trace his social account and mobile number based on his information."

At this time Lin Jianping looked at Ning Huanxin suddenly and asked, "Do you still need these?"

"Yes, I need it very much. You'd better find out all his information, if you can find it!"

Ning Huanxin nodded vigorously at Lin Jianping.

She thought for a long time last night and thought of a good way to approach Nan Xiao——

Pretending to be a worldly expert to approach him, when he completely believes in his own words, he can tell him Nan Yu's reminder, so that he will be convinced.


Why do you want to pretend to be an outsider?

Isn't he a worldly expert?

Ning Huan thought about it, just wanted to laugh.

I don't know since when, she is no longer an ordinary mortal, but she will often forget about this.

"Okay, I found it, I'd better send your email directly, there is a lot of information."

At this time, Lin Jianping on the side spoke softly again.

"Thank you so much, Lin Jianping, this is such a super talent, has anyone recruited you?"

Ning Huanxin felt that Lin Jianping seemed not as simple as an ordinary hacker, he was really powerful.


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Lin Jianping’s reaction was slow for a while, and finally he hesitated and shook his head: “I’m just a small transparent computer department. It’s okay to invade the school system. I can’t do it in other places, and I don’t dare. what!"

He was humble, but Ning Huanxin didn't struggle with this issue.

After all, everyone will have their own privacy and their own lives.

Coming out of the coffee shop, Ning Huanxin went straight back to the bedroom. Pan Yingying and Lu Dongbin hadn’t come back for a date. The bedroom was very quiet. Ning Huanxin sat in front of the window, opened his mailbox, and checked what Lin Jianping had sent him. The email contains a lot of information about Nan Xiao, including his mobile number, social account, and some private photos he posted in his account.

What Ning Huanxin saw most of Nan Xiao's hair was the photo of him with a girl. The girl was white and clean, dressed in literary and fresh clothes, and looked like Nan Xiao's girlfriend.

Lin Jianping is really a conscientious hacker. He knew that Ning Huanxin would investigate Nan Xiao in detail. He even found out the account number and information of Nan Xiao's girlfriend and sent them to Ning Huanxin's mailbox.

"Wen Yuru?"

Seeing this name, I don't know why, Ning Huanxin suddenly thought of Wen Yuqi.

These two names look like, are they relatives of Wen Yuqi?

Ning Huanxin hasn't cared about the news of Wen's family since that Miss Wen went crazy, and she didn't have that Xianxin either.

But this Wen Yuru doesn't look very similar to Wen Yuqi.

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