Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1292: 1292: Tavern Night Talk (2)

An intoxicating fragrance wafted from the wine jug Xuan Ming had brought. In fact, when Ning Huanxin just walked in the door, Ning Huanxin smelled this smell, which is the same in the entire Huangquan Pub today.

"This wine is called Huangliang Yimeng."

While talking, Xuan Ming picked up the jug and glass, and poured a glass of wine for Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin.

"For mortals, Huang Liang can see through the world in a dream, and see the world clearly. But for you, this is just a pot of wine."

With that, Xuan Ming sat opposite Ning Huanxin.

"I heard, you haven't recovered your memory yet?"

When talking about this, Xuan Ming's tone was very strange.


Ning Huanxin nodded in embarrassment, "Could it be...were we acquainted before?"

Is Xuan Ming also an acquaintance in her previous life?

"Yes, who didn't know... you before."

Xuan Ming looked at Ning Huanxin and raised her eyebrows suddenly: "I never thought that we could sit down and drink a glass of wine so happily, because...because of you, I was trapped here for thousands of years. ."


Ning Huan was surprised, and she immediately looked at Jiang Lixing subconsciously.

Jiang Lixing looked speechless and shook his head slightly at Ning Huanxin: "Don't listen to him nonsense. It is obviously that he was greedy and caused a disaster, so he was sealed here."

"Hey. Jiang Lixing, this is your fault, we are brothers! If it weren't for you, I would steal from the fairy world..."


Jiang Lixing suddenly poured a glass of wine and handed it to Xuan Ming.

Can't you stop drinking while drinking?

Smelling the scent of wine, Xuan Ming took a deep breath, squinted her eyes, and then sighed: "Hey, forget it, those things have been too long, I can't remember them, now... no longer It's time."

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the human world for thousands of years.

And Xuan Ming also fell in love with his own Huangquan tavern, even if the seal was unlocked now, he was reluctant to leave.

"I'll go cooking, you two will talk first!"

While talking, Xuan Ming stood up, turned and left.

Ning Huanxin looked at Jiang Lixing suspiciously: "Why didn't you let him go on?"

"This is a too long story. In the future... I will tell you from the beginning when I have the opportunity. Maybe... I don't need to tell you. One day, you will remember it all."

As Jiang Lixing said, he held Ning Huanxin's hand.

"Well, then I'll wait."

Ning Huanxin smiled. She was actually very nervous and depressed all day, and the recent events were one after another.

Ning Huanxin feels physically haggard.

She would never find her carefree time again. Perhaps, only with Jiang Lixing can she leave everything behind for a while and be herself happily.


Xuan Ming fried a few small dishes, all of which were distinctive.

The three of them ate and drank until midnight.

After 12 o'clock in the morning, the entire Huangquan Tavern, plus the small servant, were left with only four of them.

"Are you going back to school?"

Jiang Lixing looked at Ning Huanxin, who was slightly drunk beside him, and asked concerned.

"Don't go back, I'll go to your place, and you can drive me tomorrow morning."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Jiang Lixing, she had too many things in her heart, so... wine is not intoxicating, people are drunk.

On the way to Jiang's old house, Ning Huanxin was already asleep in the passenger seat.

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