Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1295: 1295: Exploring clues (2)

"The phone number of the ability group? Wu Chuan is the team leader who is handling the case in Yanjing right now? Huanxin, wait a minute, I will find Wu Chuan's contact information and send it to you later."

"Okay, thank you Chief."

Xu Songhai didn't ask why Ning Huanxin was looking for the contact information of the superpower team, and he happily sent the contact information to Ning Huanxin.

After getting Wu Chuan's contact information, Ning Huanxin immediately called Wu Chuan.

The call was quickly connected, and Wu Chuan's low and indifferent voice came from the phone.

"Ning Huanxin?"

Obviously, Wu Chuan knew Ning Huanxin's call.

"Leader Wu, I have something to tell you about the case of the blood race. Are you still in the original hotel?"

Ning Huanxin immediately asked about Wu Chuan's trail.

Wu Chuan paused.

"We are on a mission outside. Ms. Ning can talk about it on the phone if you have anything."

Wu Chuan didn't seem to want to meet Ning Huanxin anymore.

Because the last time he was in church, he had already begun to doubt Ning Huanxin.


Ning Huan froze for a moment, wondering why Wu Chuan's attitude became so fast?

Could it be because I was in the church last time...

Ning Huanxin was a little confused.

"Leader Wu, this is the case. We are looking for a Xuanmen disciple. He has been missing for a long time. In fact, we followed his breath and went to the church that day. I saw that you also went to that church. What is the relationship between the church and the blood race?"


Wu Chuan responded coldly.

"Ning Huanxin, you are a member of the three outstanding cases. You should know that our ability team has always been public and private. I can also tell you clearly that the blood we are tracking is a duke, and maybe even... The prince of a family!"

The prince, the strongest in each family of the blood clan, possesses the power of inheritance of the entire family!

"Once this blood clan starts to kill, the harm it will cause is absolutely inestimable, so we must find him and control him. If someone from the profound sect is involved, according to our principle, all of them must be wiped out together. There is no doubt about this. !"

Wu Chuan's voice was cold and deep.


What a terrible existence that is!


The blood clan with Zhou Han should have just broken through the seal not long after he was released. He kept committing crimes within a short period of time, and also led the people from the ability group to Yanjing. What is he going to do?

What is his relationship with Pesh?

"Since Team Leader Wu said so, I understand that we will never interfere with the ability team doing things, and I hope you don't involve the innocent."

Ning Huanxin hung up the phone and parked the car on the side of the street. He sighed and slowly leaned back on the chair.

It seems that Wu Chuan can't get any useful clues.

Yang A Nuan hasn't heard from him, she probably hasn't found news about Zhou Han.

Ning Huan thought about it for a long time, then sat down again, started the car, and drove directly to the pedestrian street in the city center.

After parking the car in the nearby parking lot, Ning Huanxin hurried to the familiar shop on the pedestrian street wearing a hat and sunglasses.

She just thought of this suddenly, planning to try her luck, but she didn't expect that her luck today was really good!

The shop actually opened!

The wind bell at the door is crisp and sweet.


A sweet and crisp voice rang in her ears the moment Ning Huanxin entered the door.

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