Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1309: 1309: Something happened to Fluttershy! (3)

"Hey, you are here, Shen Han! Why are you here?"

Xu Changan looked at Shen Han who was standing with Ning Huanxin inexplicably. Shouldn't she stay with Xie Yudie?

How could she be outside? Still with Ning Huanxin?


Shen Han didn't know how to explain, she was actually at a loss and didn't know what happened.

At this time, Ning Huanxin took Shen Han and walked in quickly: "Explain later, Shen Han, you first take me to the dressing room where Xiaodie disappeared. Let me see if there are any clues."

If someone really captured Xie Yudie, that person would definitely leave his breath, and Ning Huanxin has always had a strong ability to capture breath.

Time cannot be delayed, otherwise the breath of that person will disappear!

"Well, come with me."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Shen Han nodded immediately and walked quickly inside. She is a member here, and everyone here knows her, so it's easy to get in and out.

Shen Han walked into the hall with Ning Huanxin in a light car and went straight to the dressing room in the female guest area. Xu Changan naturally couldn't go to the female guest area, so he had to wait in the hall with an anxious look.

After a while, Yang A Nuan suddenly ran in.

"Big Brother Xu, how happy? I heard that sister Xiaodie had something wrong?"

"They went in."

Xu Changan pointed to the place where Ning Huanxin and Shen Han had left. Yang A Nuan was about to rush over, but was stopped by the staff.

Shen Han is a member here, they all know each other, but Yang A Nuan is not.

"Miss, only members can go in for consumption here, please show your membership card."

Yang A Nuan:...

Do I have to be a member if I take a bath these days?


Women's locker room.

At this time, there were no people in the dressing room. After all, it was a luxurious sweat club. The dressing room was large and spacious.

Shen Han took Ning Huanxin directly to the place where he and Xie Yudie had an accident.

"Haixin, this is it."


Ning Huanxin condensed her eyes, and then secretly used her own spiritual power to sense it, and she felt a special breath. The breath was very light and light, and it was well hidden, but it was still keenly felt by Ning Huanxin. Up.

That breath...

Ning Huanxin was very familiar with that breath, it was... Haixiu's breath!

Could it be that she took Xiaodie? Why did she take Xiaodie away?


Ning Huan's eyes were cold--

The people in the power group have always been cold-blooded and unscrupulous!

They must have been unable to find Ace and Pesh, so they found Fluttershy and planned to use her to lure Zhou Han out. As long as they found Zhou Han, they would have found Ace!


Ning Huanxin cursed in a low voice, turned around and left the dressing room quickly.

At this time, Yang A'nuan and Xu Changan were still in the hall. Yang A'nuan couldn't get in because of the staff's obstruction. She wanted to break through, but Xu Chang'an stopped them.

"Let's just wait here, waiting for the happy news."

Xu Changan still believes in Ning Huanxin's ability, although... he is now more worried about Xie Yudie's safety.

Seeing Ning Huanxin and Shen Han coming out together, Xu Changan and Yang A Nuan rushed to meet them immediately.

"how about it?"

"Have you found any clues?"

The two asked together, in anxious tone.

"Some clues."

Ning Huanxin's expression was ugly, she turned to look at Shen Han next to her: "Shen Han, you go back to school first, we will go to Xiaodie."

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