Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1317: 1317: It's over? (1)

Ning Huanxin was thinking about it, when he saw Ace's body shape, his whole body was suddenly shot by Wu Chuan's psionic gun, and his whole body flew out, just to reach Zhou Han and Lin Xuyang's side.

"Zhou Han, spiritual protection!"

Ace suddenly yelled, and Zhou Han on the side subconsciously took out a spiritual power defensive talisman to support a spiritual power defense cover.

With the protection of the spiritual defense cover, Wu Chuan's psychic gun and Haixiu's holy light cannot attack temporarily, but it is only temporary. This layer of spiritual protection will soon be destroyed by Lin Xuyang's water dragon!

At this time, Ace suddenly grabbed Zhou Han's hand.

"It seems I can't go out alive."

Ace's expression was a bit unwilling, but he soon smiled.

This smile, as always, was full of gentlemanly demeanor.

The spirit of the blood race will never change.

"Fine, I have been detained for five hundred years, and it is worth it to come out once, but unfortunately... I didn't see Pesh guy, I couldn't kill him personally. Actually, I still have a lot to say to him."

When Ace mentioned Pesh, his expression was very complicated.

"Zhou Han, get acquainted with each other. Can you bring me something to Pesh? If you can meet him in the future..."

"I can't protect myself."

Zhou Han interrupted Pesh with a bitter expression on his face.

Even if the people of the ability group don't kill him, the curse power on him will soon explode. He can't live long.

At this moment, Zhou Han looked away.

"If we both died, wouldn't it be miserable?"

At this time, Ace suddenly laughed, smiling, he slammed Zhou Han's hand and led him to his body.

"Sit down, close your eyes, adjust your breath!"

At this moment, Ace's voice was never before dignified.

"We... must have someone out alive!"

Perhaps knowing that the ability group would not let him go, Ace suddenly became confused, and black wings appeared vaguely behind him.

"What is this? Leader, what is he going to do?"

Seeing Ace's movements, Haixiu's eyes widened in surprise. Although she had killed many blood races, she had never seen a blood race in this state.

"Lin Xuyang! Speed ​​up the attack and break their defense!"

Wu Chuan gave a loud command.

This form of blood...

This breath is...

Prince Vampire!

It turns out that Ace has also become the Prince of Vampires! How did he do that?

Wu Chuan looked suspicious. He didn't know what Ace was going to do, so he could only let Lin Xuyang speed up his attack!

"Yes, team leader!" Lin Xuyang began to concentrate his thoughts, controlling the larger and more rapid water flow, forming countless water arrows, madly piercing towards Zhou Han's spiritual defense.

At this time, the spiritual defense shield was already shaky, but Zhou Han still closed his eyes, motionless.

Ace's body was suspended in the air. At this time, his azure blue Yanjing turned dark red, and his teeth became very long and sharp.

Ace suddenly stretched his right hand to Zhou Han's chest, and his sharp black nails pierced Zhou Han's skin!


Outside the barrier, Yang A Nuan screamed frantically when he saw this scene, Ning Huanxin tried to hold her without holding her, Yang A Nuan slapped and attacked the barrier like crazy.

"Let's help too!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan also walked over, but when the two approached, they saw Yang A Nuan's movements suddenly stop, and she was looking at Zhou Han's direction with blinking eyes.

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