Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1323: 1323: I want to see him

"I'm relieved to see that Zhou Han is okay. I will go back to class today. When Xiaodie wakes up, I will bring her over."

Ning Huan looked at Yang A Nuan and whispered softly again.

"Well, that's great, Xiaodie Sister and Senior Brother can finally reconcile."

Yang A Nuan immediately clapped her hands happily when she heard Ning Huanxin's words. She was really happy for Zhou Han.

Seeing her smile, Ning Huan subconsciously raised her hand and patted Yang A Nuan: "Okay, go to sleep, I'm leaving!"

Before leaving, Ning Huanxin didn't forget to glance at Zhou Han, who was still comatose on the bed, and felt that his breath was steady, so Ning Huanxin turned and left comfortably.

Soon after Ning Huanxin left, Zhou Han on the bed suddenly opened his eyes slowly.

There was a faint blue flash across his eyes, just like when he was playing against the ability group, the blue was very faint.

"here is……"

When Zhou Han saw the strange room, he rubbed his temples slightly, and some memories flashed through his mind.

Although he had been in a coma last night, there was a period of time when he was a little awake and he remembered.

This is Gu's family.

Zhou Han slowly got up, walked out of the side hall step by step, and came to the small lounge at the back. Yang A Nuan was curled up on the Luohan couch at this time. The little girl was petite, and she was curled up there, like a little girl. Like a beast, a small ball--

"Brother, there will be nothing wrong with you, I will give you all my spiritual power, you will surely be able to turn bad luck."

Last night, she was still crying in her ear.

"It's silly."

Zhou Han shook his head, slowly sat on the edge of Luohan's couch, quietly watching Yang A Nuan's sleeping face.

From childhood to adulthood, this little girl has been Baiyunguan's treasure, and is everyone's palm.

did not expect……

She can also help her brother now, she has grown up, knows how to give back and know how to give——

And how many people in this world never understand?


Yanbei University.

When Ning Huanxin returned to the dormitory, Pan Yingying had just got up. She was not surprised to see Ning Huanxin back. Pan Yingying had fallen asleep by herself several times before, but she woke up the next morning. Seeing Ning Huanxin washing in the bedroom.

She has been used to this kind of things a lot.

"Haixin, thank you senior sister, are you okay?"

Pan Yingying and Xie Yudie are not familiar with each other, so they have always been called Senior Sister, after all, Xie Senior Sister is also a figure in Yanbei University!

"Well, it's okay."

Ning Huanxin nodded and cleaned up her textbook. At this time, her mobile phone rang suddenly, and it was Shen Han who called.

"Shen Han?"

"Haixin, I just saw your message, Zhou Han is fine, Xiaodie is also awake, but the body is still very..."

Before Shen Han finished speaking, Xie Yudie snatched the phone call.

"Xiao Huanxin, where is Zhou Han now? I want to see him."

Xie Yudie wanted to see Zhou Han immediately, but didn't want to delay for a while.

Ning Huanxin understood Xie Yudie's mood very well.

"Okay. Go downstairs, I will pick you up, I will take you to Yuhai Mountain." Since Xie Yudie woke up so early and wanted to see Zhou Han, as her best friend, Ning Huanxin would naturally not refuse to thank you. Yudie's request.

Putting down the phone, Ning Huan looked at Pan Yingying behind the courseware: "Yingying, you will call for me in a while. I will send Xiaodie to Yuhaishan and be back soon."

Xie Yudie and Zhou Han must have a lot to say. Ning Huanxin doesn't know how to make light bulbs. Besides, when he lives in Yuhaishan, Ning Huanxin is absolutely assured of their safety.

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