Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1331: 1331: The Story of Sui Yushu (1)

"Ms. Sui, when you go to the hospital, do you... visit the patient?"

Ning Huanxin tentatively asked Sui Yushu while driving.


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Sui Yushu, who was sitting in the back seat, nodded gently: "Do you remember that when you first entered school, I said that my little granddaughter liked you very much, and I found a diary. Looking for your signature after class?"

"Oh, remember."

Hearing what Sui Yushu said, Ning Huanxin nodded.

When I first enrolled in school, many students asked Ning Huanxin to sign. Once Sui Yushu did take a very kawaii notebook and asked Ning Huanxin to sign it.

Said it was given to his granddaughter.

"Teacher, is your granddaughter still in kindergarten?"

Ning Huanxin felt that Sui Yushu was not too old, and that his granddaughter should be very young. You can see the style of the notebook. Ning Huanxin vaguely remembered that the title page of the book still had cartoon stickers on it.

"Well, five and a half years old."

Speaking of her granddaughter, Sui Yushu's expression changed a bit: "Just now the hospital called me and said that the little girl kept crying during chemotherapy today. I... I have no choice but to go over and see."


Hearing what Sui Yushu said, Ning Huan was surprised: "Teacher Sui, your granddaughter is..."

A child who is only five and a half years old!

Ning Huanxin suddenly became flustered and felt a little uncomfortable.

Whenever he sees Sui Yushu on weekdays, he laughs, and he is very funny and humorous, and he is super good to anyone.

But I didn't expect...

Suddenly Ning Huanxin didn't know what to say, comforting words? still is……

"It's okay, don't be nervous."

Seeing Ning Huanxin’s emotional changes, Sui Yushu just smiled faintly: “The little girl is very strong, and her parents had a lot of insurance money left by accidents. I have helped her find a suitable bone marrow type. The doctor said she You will get better soon, and you only need to take a good rest in the future, and gradually you will be as healthy and happy as other children."

Many people in this world are not born to be open-minded. Sometimes they experience more suffering and pain, but they become open-minded and relieved.

Sui Yushu is such a person.

Ning Huanxin did not speak at this moment, but in her heart she admired Sui Yushu very much.

When he arrived at the cancer hospital, Ning Huanxin drove the car directly into the hospital parking lot.

"I'm absent from class anyway, teacher, can I accompany you to see the little girl?"

Ning Huanxin said while looking for her wallet: "I just saw a toy seller at the entrance of the hospital. Teacher, wait for me, I'll go shopping."

"No, you kid."

Seeing Ning Huanxin leave in a hurry, Sui Yushu shook his head. After a while, Ning Huanxin returned, holding a lot of toys.

The two entered the hospital together, and Sui Yushu was already familiar with it.

On weekdays, he is very busy at work. It is his lover who is taking care of his little granddaughter. But these days, his wife has become sick and can't come to the hospital, so he can only ask for personal care from the hospital.

The little girl used to do chemotherapy especially hard, and she was naturally unhappy if she couldn't see her grandparents.

The private caregiver was so troubled that she called Sui Yushu.

"The caregivers may not understand, our family is not short of money, why we can't take good care of the children, but we have to go to work."

While getting on the elevator, Sui Yushu suddenly said to himself.

Some things may not be understood or understood by others, but their family knows it in their hearts.

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