"no need."

Hearing Yang A'nuan's words, Zhou Han immediately turned around and looked at her and shook his head: "I'm fine, don't care about this little injury. I will heal the injury slowly, A'Nuan, you ...What else to see?"

Zhou Han stared at Yang A Nuan's face with very deep eyes.

He knew how special her eyes were.


Yang A Nuan was in a daze.

It's really strange, why do I become confused when I look at my brother's eyes?

It must be because the consumption of yesterday has not recovered, right?

"Brother, I can only see a blur in your body, are you really okay?"

Yang A Nuan was a little uncertain, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Zhou Han smiled, raised his hand, and patted Yang A Nuan's little head with a touch of affection.

"A Nuan, this is Gu's family after all. It is not good for us to live here for a long time. Tomorrow, brother will take you home. Are you optimistic?"

"Oh that's fine."

Yang A Nuan nodded, looking happy.

"I came to Yanjing this time to take refuge in you. You don't know. You have not been at home for a few months. I am so bored by myself, and no one cooks for me."

The little girl put down her chopsticks and raised her hand to hold Zhou Han's hand.

"Brother, next time you don't want to do such a dangerous thing, I said I would go with you at the beginning, but you were not sure and you trapped me at home."

Speaking of this, Yang A Nuan is still a little angry.

How dangerous is Ganyun Mountain, she knows even novices!

So when she knew that Zhou Han was going to Qianyun Mountain, she really planned to go with him, even if he was not allowed to go by herself, Yang A Nuan planned to follow Zhou Han secretly and follow him.

Who knew that Zhou Han had seen her through long ago, and when Zhou Han left, he set up a ban in his own home, which made Yang A Nuan sleepy for three days and three nights.

Three days later, when Yang A'nuan came out of the restriction, Zhou Han and the others would have been thousands of miles away.


Yang A Nuan looked at Zhou Han and suddenly lowered her voice: "That thing, you..."


Zhou Han shook Yang A Nuan's hand with a slight force.

"Let's talk about it when I get home."

Zhou Han smiled softly at Yang A Nuan.

This time he went to Qianyun Mountain not simply to break the feng shui array.

In Qianyun Mountain, not only the powerful blood clan Ace was suppressed, but there was another thing left by the master of Baiyunguan, for them. That's the most important thing.

This is the Gu family, there are monks everywhere, and there is also the great Buddha, Mr. Gu, here.

Zhou Han winked at Yang A Nuan, and Yang A Nuan immediately understood.

"Okay, eat well."

Zhou Han released his hand and sat aside, watching Yang A Nuan eating with a gentle expression.

Yang A'nuan has always felt a little uncomfortable, because she and Zhou Han have lived together in Yanjing for a while, and the seniors never looked at her with such eyes.

This look is gentle, but also aggressive, making Yang A Nuan feel flustered.


Yang A'nuan raised her eyes and looked at Zhou Han: "That...I can't eat it anymore."


Hearing Yang A'nuan's words, Zhou Han nodded: "Wasting food is not good, let me eat."

With that said, Zhou Han took the rest of Yang A Nuan's food in front of him and ate without hesitation.

Yang A Nuan:...

That's what I have left!

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