Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1339: 1339: The suspect doesn't need it

Ning Huanxin didn't stop and drove back to Gu's house all the way, but parked the car outside the Gu's manor. Ning Huanxin was not in a hurry to go home, but wandered outside the gate of Gu's house.

Before long, a black shadow quickly appeared before Ning Huanxin's eyes.

"meet again."

Ning Huanxin smiled at the black shadow in front of him.

"Miss Ning."

The black shadow raised his head slightly, took off his hat, and revealed a pale and haggard face. This person is not someone else, it is Li Luoshi.

After meeting Ning Huanxin last time, Li Luoshi has been wandering outside Yanbei University, afraid to approach or stay away.

She dared not show up publicly for fear of being pursued and killed.

However, after so long, there was no movement in the organization, and Li Luoshi became more courageous. She had been following Jiang Liran secretly these days, but she did not expect Jiang Liran to meet Ning Huanxin today.

This was really a chance encounter, definitely not she appeared in front of Ning Huanxin on purpose.

"It seems that you are really affectionate towards the third young master."

Ning Huanxin looked at Li Luoshi: "Where are you staying now?"

"I don't have a fixed place to live. I change places every day, sometimes in the wild."

Li Luoshi didn't have high requirements for the place to live, mainly about safety and ease of movement.

"Actually, you are also a talent, but unfortunately..."

Don't use the suspect, don't use it.

Ning Huanxin would never let Li Luoshi follow him.

"At the beginning, a team in the three outstanding cases was bloodbathed. Even if you didn’t do anything, you couldn’t get rid of it. So I actually want to tell you this time that I will not cooperate with you, let alone accept you. , As for the matter between you and Jiang Liran..."

Ning Huanxin sighed.

"If the two of you still have feelings and can get together again, I will bless you, but... if the fate is over, you should leave."

Emotional things cannot be forced.

"I understand."

Li Luoshi nodded.

She actually left Jiang Liran on her own initiative. Although Jiang Liran had asked her to explain about Zheng Qiaoshan's affairs, Li Luoshi didn't want to listen to his explanation at that time, and she also had a mission to stay with Jiang Liran. .

And now...

She regained her freedom, but she still couldn't judge whether the original feelings were still there.

"Miss Ning, I'm leaving, and I will handle the matter as soon as possible."

Li Luoshi knew that he should meet Jiang Liran.

I have always been evasive. I dare not come forward or meet him, just because I am afraid of hearing answers I don't want to hear.


Escape like this, deceive yourself and others, when will it end?

She doesn't want to go on like this anymore...

Seeing Li Luoshi slowly leaving, Ning Huanxin gently shook his head

She turned around and entered the house of Gu's family. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Xu Changan's figure.

"Huaxin, you are back, Xiaodie has been waiting for you."


Ning Huanxin glanced at Xu Chang'an, "Isn't Xiaodie with Zhou Han?"

"I think something went wrong between the two of them."

Xu Changan told Ning Huanxin about the whole day and Xie Yudie's abnormality.

Ning Huanxin nodded after listening, "Then I will go and see Xiaodie first."

With that said, Ning Huanxin walked forward quickly. Xiaodie was waiting for her in Ning Huanxin's yard. As soon as Ning Huanxin entered the yard, she saw Xie Yudie lying on the wicker chair in the middle of the yard.

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