Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1346: 1346: ready to leave

"When I kill Pesh, I will take you around and be your brother for the rest of my life, so why not?"

As Ace said, the whole person slowly stood up and turned out of Yang A Nuan's room.

At this time, Yang A Nuan on the bed was still falling asleep. She would not remember everything that just happened. When she woke up tomorrow morning, she would only vaguely feel that she had a vague, strange dream.


Early the next morning, Ning Huanxin woke up from her practice and saw that Xie Yudie was already awake. She was sitting by the bed, quietly looking at Ning Huanxin.

"Xiao Huanxin, you look the same as the heroine in the TV series now."

Xie Yudie's eyes were very bright, and the eyes that looked at Ning Huanxin were full of envy.

"Xiaodie, do you want to practice too? If you want to practice, I can teach you!"

Although I don't know what Xie Yudie's qualifications are, if she likes to practice, Ning Huanxin can teach her. After all, Gu's family is also a disciple with a foreign surname, and Xie Yudie has a good temperament, and will not do evil after learning the exercises.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xie Yudie blinked, "Can I do it too?"

"Of course, what's wrong? But the cultivation is boring, and it depends on aptitude. At the beginning, it may be..."

Before Ning Huanxin finished speaking, Xie Yudie interrupted her.

"That’s fine. It’s too much trouble. I don’t want to suffer and suffer. I watch you sit for a few hours. If you are in retreat, don’t you have to sit still for a few months without eating or drinking? I still count. Come on, I shouldn't have this fairyland. Hahaha."

There may be many people who wish to have a strong cultivation base, hoping to live for several hundred years.

Xie Yudie didn't have that much thought.

She just hopes to live her life well and be happy, that's enough.

"I didn't eat last night, I'm so hungry! Xiao Huanxin took me to eat Gu's delicious food, and then go to school, I took a lot of days off, this is dead, so many notes are not memorized!"

Today, Xie Yudie’s mood and mood have improved a lot, perhaps because he figured it out.

"Okay, what do you want to eat, I will surely make you full!"

Ning Huanxin made an OK gesture at Xie Yudie. After the two of them washed up, Ning Huanxin took Xie Yudie to the place where Gu’s dining was.

There are also many people in the family. Most of the time, everyone eats separately.

And Ning Huanxin’s restaurant was used exclusively by Gu Xiao in the past, but now Gu Dashao is absent, but Ning Huanxin is using it alone. Of course, Xu Changan and Xie Yudie are all here these days, and they are all Ning Huanxin’s friends. , Naturally they all eat here.

As soon as Ning Huanxin entered the dining room, she saw Xu Changan and Zhou Han. The two men got up earlier.


Ning Huanxin nodded at the two people.

Xie Yudie gave Zhou Han a deep look.

"Zhou Han, are you okay?"

"Well, the injuries are almost repaired, I will take Ah Nuan back today."

As he said, Zhou Han turned and looked at Ning Huanxin: "I have disturbed you in these two days."

"Everyone is friends, what are you polite."

Ning Huanxin just smiled, and then looked at the breakfast on the table: "The breakfast is so rich today, by the way, why hasn't A Nuan up yet?"

The little girl is very active in eating!

"Junior sister did not sleep well last night, I didn't wake her up."

Zhou Han answered casually.

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