Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1357: 1357: Brothers showdown

"Group leader, shall we go for a sneak attack?"

At this time, Lin Xuyang was a little excited, two vampire princes! This scene is too spectacular, right?

"You are stupid. Although we have three people, we can make do with one. Isn't it going to kill you if you deal with two?"

Hearing Lin Xuyang's words, Haixiu immediately looked at him with contempt.

"Of course we are sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight! The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit!"

Lin Xuyang:...

Just your high culture! You can use idioms! Amazing my show!

"Stop talking, just watch the changes!"

At this time, Wu Chuan finally spoke.

Pesh and Ace are both top powerhouses. If they find out, it will be no fun and life will be hard to save!

At this time, there was a sudden strong shock in the midair in the front yard of the church.

Both Pesh and Ace took a few steps back from the shock of the current, and blood was flowing out of the corners of their lips.

"Pesh, you are dead today."

At this time, Ace's eyes were filled with crazy colors.

"Ace, you are still so arrogant."

Pesh just smiled faintly, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed wildly. Because there is a very familiar breath.

That is……

Xingyu, that is the breath of Jiang Xingyu.

At this time, Jiang Xingyu was wearing an off-white coat. She only got a taxi here after Peish’s message. This church is really remote, but...

Jiang Xingyu smelled a familiar smell from the air from a distance.

That is the floral fragrance she is familiar with.

Could it be... Is this the surprise Pesh said he wanted to give himself?

Jiang Xingyu couldn't help speeding up his pace and walked towards the gate of the church.

"Captain, someone is coming!"

"Well, she won't break in, will she?"

Both Haixiu and Lin Xuyang are a little worried, but vampires are inhumane.

"Don't worry, it's impossible for ordinary people to break into this place already set up by Ace and Pesh!"

Before Wu Chuan's words fell, I saw Jiang Xingyu's thin body being sucked directly into the barrier by a sudden force, drawing her to Ace's side.

Wu Chuan:...

Oops, Team Leader Wu said that his face hurts a little.


This change came too quickly, and Jiang Xingyu arrived in Ace's hands almost before Pesh could react.

This is what Ace planned long ago.

Step by step, from the beginning to the present, Ace has never miscalculated.

"My dear brother, I heard that you are going to get married? Your bride is so beautiful!"

At this time, Ace clamped Jiang Xingyu's whole person in his arms, and the fingers with sharp nails gently stroked her face.

"Don't touch her!"

The breath on Pesh began to become restless, even very unstable.


Jiang Xingyu didn't know what was going on. She just looked at Ace in fear, and then looked at the strange and extremely familiar person not far away with surprise.

Jiang Xingyu had never seen Pesh in a vampire state.

"You... are you Pesh?"

Jiang Xingyu's expression was shocked, and his tone was also very excited.

"Your Pesh, he is a vampire who does all the evil."

When Pesh didn't know how to answer, Ace smiled suddenly.

"My dear young lady, you were targeted by a vampire. Do you know what it means? Do you think he really wants to marry you? Do you see the flowers in the corner? It was poured out with blood Yes, I heard you like it very much."

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