Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1376: 1376: Local government relationship (1)

The civil servant group of the prefecture-

Po Meng: Ten-star alert! Ning Huanxin is here!

Ming: Well, Ning Huanxin is here. I saw it. It's so beautiful.

Po Meng:...

Can't you be serious at this time? The last sentence is superfluous.

Bull Head: Ning Huanxin? How does the name Lao Niu sound familiar to me?

Ma Mian: Just your memory, whose name is not familiar to you?

Lu Pan: Po Meng, what does this ten-star warning mean?

Cui Pan: Lu Pan, did you drink again? Don't you recognize the name anymore?

King of Five Senses: This name is also very familiar to this King!

King Chu Jiang: This king took a nap, and when he woke up, he saw such amazing news! Po Meng, tell this king, where is Ning Huanxin? Did you go to Jiang Lixing’s Palace of the Hades?

The king of five sense organs: I'll take it, this king remembered! Ning Huanxin is Jiang Lixing's fiance!

Lu Pan: That's really a ten-star warning. Po Meng, don't betray you, okay?

Po Meng: It was at Naiheqiao that I met Miss Ning with Yimeng, and then she was taken away by Bai Wuchang!

King of the Five Senses: Xiaobai took the person away? Who will help me locate Xiaobai, where is he now?

King Chujiang: Oh, I have another group of evil spirits here, I will deal with it first!

Cui Pan: Lu Pan, Zhong Kui calls you to drink!

King of Five Senses:...


Underworld, the gate is closed.

This place is more yin than Naihe Bridge, there is nothing less than it!

Surrounded by ghosts and mists, a large gate appeared in front of Ning Huanxin's eyes, pure black, with the words "Ghost Gate" written on it.

Only after entering the ghost gate can you truly enter the underworld.

And this ghost gate is also the only way to go to Fengdu City.

At this time, there were countless souls lining up before the ghost gate, some souls were alone, some were in groups, and more were new ghosts carried by ghosts.

Ning Huanxin followed Bai Wuchang. The two didn't plan to use any privileges, but quietly followed at the end of the team.

But at this moment, two figures suddenly rushed over like a wind.

"Xiao Bai, this is Miss Ning, right?"

"Xiao Bai, I haven't seen you for a long time, Lao Niu!"

The two people who suddenly rushed were naturally bull-headed horse noodles. It just so happened that two people were on duty today, leading the team to guard the Guimen Gate.

Just now a group of people were still chatting happily in the group, but suddenly they disappeared.

Ma Mian's mind turned fast, and he immediately turned on the mobile phone positioning. The civil servants of their entire capital city were in the same system, and they could accurately locate each other's location.

This will make it easier for everyone to get together and work more effectively during office hours or if there is an accident.

It's a coincidence, as soon as Ma Mian was positioned, he found that Bai Wuchang was closing at the ghost door!

Therefore, he and Niutou had been staring here long ago, and when they saw the figures of Bai Wuchang and Ning Huanxin, they immediately rushed over.

"Hello Miss Ning, I am Bull Head."

"I am a horse noodle!"


In fact, they don't introduce themselves, and Ning Huanxin also knows who they are. The appearance of tautou horse noodles is really easy to recognize, and very distinctive.

"Hello, I am Ning Huanxin!"

Ning Huanxin felt the incomparable enthusiasm of these two ghosts towards her, and she immediately answered with a smile.

"Miss Ning, why did you come to the underworld? You are not dead again."

At this time, Niu Tau glanced at Ning Huanxin, he was sure that Ning Huanxin was still alive and alive well!

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