Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1391: 1391: Fragment of Memory

"Perhaps... Cui Can just doesn't want to hurt you?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly took a deep look at Jiang Yanran, and said solemnly.

If even Jiang Yanran had noticed something wrong, would Cui Can have been with Jiang Lixing for so many years, would he feel nothing?

"Brother Cui, he has always been a smart man."

Ning Huanxin whispered again.

"I'm leaving, Miss Jiang, go to sleep."

"Hey, wait a minute."

Seeing that Ning Huanxin was really leaving, Jiang Yanran immediately called her out loudly: "Cui Can... isn't he really in danger of life, right? And! Who is that fake? Why does it seem to be the same? Jiang Lixing is exactly the same, without flaws?"

In fact, Jiang Yanran still has many doubts.

"I will go to Brother Cui, and I won't let him have trouble. As for the counterfeit... I don't know who he is, but I will meet him."

Ning Huanxin walked here in the Jiang family for a while, and she knew it in her heart. As for the counterfeit...

Ning Huanxin actually had an expectation in her heart that that person should be hiding from herself now, and would never go head-on with herself.

Because their last assassination failed, and the female assassin seemed to have misunderstood something.

Ning Huanxin vaguely remembered that the female assassin asked--

Have you recovered your memory?

They seem to be very afraid of their Sanqing Royal Swordsmanship! Also afraid of myself in previous lives!


"It would be great if I could recover my memory quickly."

Ning Huanxin ran into the night while talking to herself. She went directly from the Jiang's manor in Yuhaishan to the Jiang's old mansion on the outskirts of Yanjing.

However, the house was empty, without the slightest breath.

It's already empty here, without any clues.

Even the breath of Cui Can and Jiang Lixing had been deliberately obliterated!

Are those people afraid that Ning Huanxin will use breath tracking to find Cui Can's location?

In fact, Ning Huanxin also expected this result. She was not disappointed, but turned and headed towards Yuhai Mountain again.


When I returned to Gu's house, it was almost bright.

After running for most of the night, Ning Huanxin didn't feel too tired, but there were many questions in her heart, and no one could give her a complete answer.

Ning Huanxin went back to her yard and began to practice quietly in her room.

In the past, Ning Huanxin could quickly get into the state every time she practiced, because her talents are very good, and her bloodline physique and inner strength mentality are very special, and the movement of absorbing aura is not small every time she practices.

Only this time, Ning Huanxin couldn't enter the cultivation state anyway, there were always some pictures flashing in his mind, those pictures were very fuzzy, and Ning Huanxin could not see clearly.

She worked hard to concentrate her mind and her consciousness.

The picture in her mind finally became a little clearer, but she still couldn't see the face of the person clearly, and could only see two people in the picture, it looked like a man and a woman, two people talking——

"I saved you, and you will be my little brother from now on. In this fairy world, you have to listen to me, do you know?"

The woman's voice was very beautiful, very close, and even Ning Huanxin found that voice particularly familiar.

"I don't know, I only know the grace of life-saving, which should be promised."

The man's voice is deep and full of magnetism.

At the moment the familiar voice sounded, Ning Huanxin suddenly opened his eyes.

She is too familiar with this male voice.

That was... Jiang Lixing's voice!

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