Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1421: 1421: Fog in the rain

"It's raining!"

There was a rush of footsteps upstairs. It was Sister Xiao. She hurried down and saw Ning Huanxin and Xiao Dazhong downstairs. Sister Xiao immediately stared at her elder brother.

"Aren't you forbidden to drink? I secretly bought and drank again!"

Sister Xiao’s tone is all about hating iron but not steel. Her brother is such an adult, he has not yet got a family and has no career. In fact, Sister Xiao doesn’t have much hope, just hope that he can drive well and make more money, just in case he can drive well. Necessary, but he prefers to drink.

This is definitely not a good thing, especially for a driver.

"This, this is red wine, no, it's okay."

Xiao Dazhong was like a kid who made a mistake at this time, looking at Sister Xiao with a little fear, and at the same time quietly defending himself.

Sister Xiao shook her head angrily, she walked down quickly, closed several windows in the hall, and then looked at Ning Huanxin concerned: "Miss Gu, go upstairs, this rain is coming, you still It’s safer to go to the second floor. The ground on the first floor is low and it’s easy to get water, but don’t be afraid. The rain will come and go quickly, and you will be fine in a while.

"Well, then I will go up first."

Ning Huanxin nodded, turned around and walked to the top of the stairs, and went upstairs. At this time, Sister Xiao had already sat at the table in front of Xiao Dazhong, and began to educate him with broken thoughts. Seeing this scene, it made Ning Huanxin feels very warm.

This is also a different way of getting along with brothers and sisters.


Ning Huanxin returned to her guest room. At this moment, she was standing at the window and could see the heavy rain outside. The sky was very dark, and the rain curtain covered all Ning Huanxin’s sight. At this time, she could only see through the glass window. A dull color.

The heavy rain was getting heavier and heavier. Ning Huanxin suddenly opened the window. The strong wind and heavy rain rushed towards her face. Ning Huanxin did not escape. She slowly closed her eyes and quietly released her spiritual power. Those spiritual powers slowly Spreading in the wind and rain, getting farther and farther, Ning Huanxin's consciousness followed his spiritual power.

In such turbulent days, I don't know why, Ning Huanxin's consciousness is more clear and sensitive, and even his spiritual power seems to have increased.

Slowly, her spiritual power has spread out of Anle Village and reached Misty Valley.

In the wind and rain, the fog actually dispersed a lot.

Ning Huan remembered what Sister Xiao had said that Wei Shuangshuang had been on a rainy night many years ago, and it was because of sheltering from the rain that he strayed into the Misty Valley.

She is a local, and she should be familiar with Misty Valley. So why did Wei Shuangshuang accidentally enter Misty Valley that day?

It's because of heavy rain.

The heavy rain diminished the fog, and the heavy rain blocked his vision. Wei Shuangshuang subconsciously found a place to hide from the rain, and subconsciously wanted to run to a place with little rain!

That's why she strayed into the Misty Valley.

Because the rain in the Misty Valley is very small.

Ning Huanxin felt very clearly that the heavy rain seemed to be blocked. After entering the Misty Valley, the rain became much smaller.


Ning Huanxin's spiritual power and consciousness can only detect the edge of the Misty Valley, and if he wants to go further inside, he is blocked by a strong yin and resentment!

There is an Anle Village in the Misty Valley, and an Anle Village outside the Misty Valley. According to Xiao Dazhong, these two Anle Villages should have been one decades ago.

A wildfire changed the fate of Anle Village.

Is that really a natural disaster?

And this time my WeChat mission "Forbidden Land" refers to Anle Village in the Forbidden Valley.

But where is the target of this mission?

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