Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1442: 1442: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (15)

"It turns out that this is the power of the Zhiyang bloodline."

Xia Qiu looked at Ning Huanxin, the shock in his eyes had not faded.

The blood in the rumors is really powerful. Xia Qiu didn't know that Ning Huanxin's practice was not an ordinary mortal practice, but only attributed everything to her bloodline power.

Ning Huanxin didn't speak, but watched Xia Qiu quietly. When Xia Qiu took the shot, Ning Huanxin didn't feel the surge or breath of spiritual power, which means...

Xia Qiu really has no spiritual power in her body, so where does her power come from? Who is she?

"With your abilities, it should be easy to get in and out of Misty Valley. Why have you stayed here and became the village chief?"

Looking at Xia Qiu, Ning Huanxin suddenly asked, "There are Dabao and Erbao, they... are not your children?"

Most mothers in this world love their children very much. If Dabao and Erbao are really the flesh and blood of Xia Qiu, how can she bear the heart to keep them here and lead such a life?

The outside world is so wonderful and so rich, and there is a place suitable for children to grow up.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xia Qiu lowered his eyes: "Miss Gu cares about a lot of things. Instead of having time to care about other people's family affairs, you should care more about your own life and death."

life and death?

Ning Huan stared at Xia Qiu, "Village Chief, what does this mean?"

"You feel the outside."

Xia Qiu pointed to the direction of the courtyard gate.

Hearing Xia Qiu's words, Ning Huanxin immediately focused on the outside, and his face immediately changed.

Outside the yard, no, it should be said that the entire Anle Village is now occupied by those monsters!

At this time, the gas that permeated Anle Village had changed from gray to dark red, which was very strange and terrifying.

"What are those monsters! What happened in Anle Village!"

Ning Huan looked at Xia Qiu and questioned loudly.

"Miss Gu is so smart, why don't you come and guess?"

Xia Qiu looked indifferent, as if not afraid of those monsters.

Yes, she has lived here for so many years and has long been used to it. How could she be afraid of those things?

On the contrary, those monsters seemed to be a little afraid of her.

As for the villagers...

Ning Huanxin felt it again. She found that the monsters had been wandering in the village and broke into the villagers' homes, but the villagers in Anle Village stayed quietly in their rooms, motionless. The monsters still wandered aimlessly as if they couldn't see them.

Those monsters should be very sensitive. Why do they not feel the presence of villagers?

It seems that in their eyes, those villagers do not exist?

Or is it……

Ning Huanxin suddenly thought of Erbao's words--

Erbao said, Ning Huanxin is different from the villagers.

And Qu Hong said that they will never die and will never die.


The thick fog, the fire decades ago, the monster that ran out of the fog valley five years ago!

The weird village in the valley, the villagers who will never die...

Clues flashed through Ning Huanxin's mind, and she closed her eyes, trying her best to piece all this together into a complete story.

Slowly, a guess formed in Ning Huanxin's heart.

Although she does not want to believe her absurd guess, but...

"Those monsters won't hurt the villagers, right? Because in their eyes, the villagers are the same as them, they are the same kind."

Ning Huanxin suddenly opened her eyes, and looked at Xia Qiu's whispering coldly.

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