Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1444: 1444: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (17)

"Flap, pop, pop!"

When Xia Qiu heard Ning Huanxin's words, she slowly raised her hand and patted it carelessly.

"It's amazing!"

She looked at Ning Huanxin with shining eyes: "Gu Huan, you are really a genius. A genius like you is the last test item that our laboratory lacks!"

Xia Qiu admitted that since it has been discovered, there is nothing to hide.


She didn't want to hide anything from beginning to end, because everyone who entered the experimental field could not get out.

Seeing Xia Qiu's indifferent appearance, Ning Huanxin's expression became even colder.

Forbidden place.

This is her WeChat mission this time. At this moment, Ning Huanxin finally understands what the so-called forbidden land is, and what her mission goal this time is—

Those monsters outside, those sullen anger.

They are not the most terrifying.

On the contrary, they are synonymous with pathetic and innocent!

Before they became monsters, they were just ordinary people, just like everyone around us, there were men and women, old and young.

Among them, there may be beautiful female college students, mature business elites, and perhaps a happy and beautiful family. They are either playing, visiting relatives or working. They came here for various reasons. , Strayed into the Misty Valley, and then became a test subject for those crazy people.

Ning Huanxin didn’t know what kind of experiment this was. She only knew that most of the people were dead, and they all became experimental failures, but even if they died, they would not be detached because of their flesh and blood. The soul was imprisoned here by the owner of this valley, providing yin and resentment for the Misty Valley.

Only at night will they recover briefly, but at this time they have long since lost their consciousness and can only wander like monsters, wailing, and walking aimlessly.

"How many monsters there are outside represents how many people you have killed. No wonder the anger and resentment in this place are so heavy."

Ning Huanxin's tone was sad.

Hearing her words, Xia Qiu still looked indifferent: "Are you pitying those failed products? That's because they are not lucky, they don't have that life, so they are all failed products, and the price of failure is death, contributing everything they have. Flesh and soul provide energy for adults. This should be the honor of those wastes."

grown ups?

Is the adult in Xia Qiu's mouth the owner of this Misty Valley?

Ning Huan smiled coldly: "In your eyes, human lives are so worthless? Are you not afraid of retribution or gods if you experiment with the lives of innocent people?"

"We are benefiting the entire mankind. Our experiments have been more than half successful so far. Have you seen it, have you seen it? The people in the village, their appearance, and various physical indicators are all stuck in them. At the time they came in, no matter how long it was, ten years, a hundred years or a thousand years, they would never grow old or die! The adults will lead us to create eternity!"

Xia Qiu's expression was very excited. At this moment, she showed her fanatical madness.


What a lunatic!

"I am not interested in your experiments and your beliefs. Tell me where Brother Yun is?"

Ning Huanxin asked aloud, she was sure Yun Ye must have been taken away by Xia Qiu's people. However, even if Yun Ye's spiritual power is limited in this place, but can easily take him away, that person must be extraordinary. .

It seems that Xia Qiu's subordinates should be many, and the mysterious adult is even more unfathomable.

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