Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1450: 1450: The man behind (3)

When the sword light dissipated, Xia Qiu fell to the ground. It was clear that her body was already torn apart, but she did not shed a drop of blood. Even, she seemed to feel no pain, and her face remained as normal.

Ning Huanxin saw her shattered body, recovering little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye, and pieced together.

"See? This is the result of my experiment, Ning Huanxin, you can't kill me, and you can't kill them!"

Wuming suddenly raised his hand, and the four walls of the entire laboratory opened in an instant. Ning Huanxin saw countless figures, including the villagers she had met, Li Heng and Qu Hong.

There are also people she hasn't seen. These people have their eyes dull at this time, like walking dead.

Everyone slowly walked over and surrounded Ning Huanxin at the very center.

"I may really not kill you, but you can't help me. As long as I want to go, I can leave here anytime."

Ning Huanxin didn't panic at all, still smiling.

"Yeah, is it really good to say so firm?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Ning Huanxin. Ning Huanxin suddenly turned around and saw Jiang Ziluo. Two people stood behind him. One of them was the female demon assassin who assassinated Ning Huanxin that day. The person who was controlled by the female assassin was Cui Can who hadn't seen him for many days!

"Brother Cui, are you okay?"

Ning Huanxin saw that Cui Can's face was not good, and he was haggard, but his eyes were still clear and bright.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's voice, Cui Can glanced at her suspiciously, and then suddenly thought that he had seen this face before.

At this time, Ning Huanxin was still wearing a mask, just like Gu Huan.

Fortunately, Cui Can had seen it before, so he recognized Ning Huanxin at once.

"I'm fine, I love you..."

Seeing Ning Huanxin surrounded by those people, Cui Can was very worried. Although he knew that Ning Huanxin was good at home and was still a family member, there were too many people here.

And how weird and powerful Jiang Ziluo is, Cui Can has personally experienced it these days.

"Huanxin, don't worry about me, you must take the opportunity to escape if you can escape!"

Cui Can didn't want to hurt Ning Huanxin, let alone make her suffer.

She is Jiang Lixing’s favorite person, and she is Jiang Lixing’s brother, and she must protect her in everything she says!

"Doctor, why do you want to catch your heart? Are you afraid that the old man will blame it?"

At this time, Cui Can saw Wuming in the crowd and suddenly shouted at Wuming.

Cui Can's words confirmed Ning Huanxin's guess just now--

The investor behind this experimental base is really Mr. Jiang!

And Cui Can, as the old man's confidant, actually knew it too!

Of course, Cui Can only knew that the old man had a secret biological laboratory here. This weird doctor who seemed to never grow up was helping him research a new drug.

Apart from that, Cui Can didn't know everything in this laboratory.

After all, Cui Can has been with Jiang Lixing for the past ten years. Cui Can doesn't know what's going on in the family during these years and what's going on with the father.

Since Cui Can knows this place, then...

At this moment, Ning Huanxin suddenly thought of another person.

Just as Ning Huan's thoughts turned, suddenly Dabao rushed in here quickly.

"My lord, it's okay, that **** woman Jiang Yanran rushed in with a group of people and set fire to the village!"

Sure enough, Jiang Yanran also knew this place.

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