Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1461: 1461: Infatuated person

Perhaps because the spirit body was too weak, the man moved his lips and remained speechless.

At this time, Yun Ye also walked over, seeing the situation in front of him, he immediately took out a charm and threw it in front of the man, the charm turned into a little starlight into the man's soul body.

The man in front of him could finally make a sound.

"Two masters, I have something to ask of you."

The man's tone is very urgent.

"what's up?"

Ning Huanxin asked, this soul body has been refusing to enter the passage of reincarnation, presumably the things he wants to ask them must be very important to him.

"I entered this valley ten years ago. Because I couldn't survive the experiment, I finally died on the platform of the laboratory. I... I actually came with my fiancee. We were separated near Misty Valley. I didn't see her in the valley. I guess she did not enter here by luck."

Speaking of his fiancée, the eyes of men are full of shining colors.

"We were going to get married when we went back from a trip, but we didn’t expect it to be a farewell. I can’t let go of her. I don’t know how she is now and how well she is living. I want to ask you to help me see her and see her How's it going, although I can't see it anymore, but... someone helps me see her, and I am satisfied. If she still thinks of me, I hope you can help me tell her... don't miss me anymore."

I didn't expect this man to be a very infatuated person.

The reason why he refused to leave was just because he couldn't let go of his lover ten years ago, but ten years later, would that person wait for him?

"Tell us her name and information, and we will try our best to help you find it. If we see her, we will bring your words to her."

Ning Huanxin is willing to help, after all, there are really not many men who are so infatuated.

"Thank you."

The man told Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye the name and all the information of his lover, and then he safely entered the passage of reincarnation.

Seeing his disappearance, Yun Ye couldn't help turning his head to look at Ning Huanxin: "Guess, will that woman wait for him?"

"do not know."

Ning Huanxin shook his head.

She had met many infatuated people, such as Fang Qing who was waiting for Mo Qinan stupidly, Shen Qian, and even Yun Xi.

But there are more people in this world than infatuated people.

"The human heart is the most difficult thing to control in the world. Sometimes we can't even control our own heart. How can we talk about other people's hearts?"

Ning Huanxin sighed, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Cui Can and Jiang Yanran.

Just like Cui Can and Jiang Yanran, who can tell right from wrong in this entangled relationship?


The sky is finally getting brighter.

And the fog that never dissipates in the Misty Valley has become thinner today. I believe it will not be long before the fog here will dissipate.


"Although the undead here have all disappeared, the Yin Qi in this place has gathered for too long and cannot disappear for a while. If someone with poor physique or unstable will passes here, they may be affected by Yin Qi and magnetic fields. Was affected, and lost his mind."

Yun Ye was a little worried, after all, it was a fierce place here.

"I have something here."

Ning Huanxin took out a large bag of seeds from her purse: "Here are the seeds of shade-eating grass. We plant these seeds. When the shade-eating grass grows, it will slowly erode the yin in this place. This place will be the same as a normal place."

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