Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1464: 1464: Hello, Wei Shuangshuang (3)

"Is what you said true?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wei Shuangquan was stunned for a while, then looked at Ning Huanxin with disbelief and asked.

"Of course, what did I lie to you? Actually, I want to meet Shuangshuang."

Ning Huanxin glanced at Wei Shuangquan and his wife: "If I guess right, Shuangshuang's body is still in the treatment stage, right? You should need a lot of money."

If it's just the child's tuition, Sister Xiao wouldn't be sad all day long after he settled the accounts. It must be because Wei Shuangshuang's medical expenses over the past few years have been too large, which has caused the family to be extremely struggling.

The reason why Wei Shuangquan goes out every day to buy goods may be because on the one hand he took the opportunity to visit his parents and children, and Wei Shuangshuang, on the other hand, he should be the person who helped Xia Qiu to transport daily necessities to Misty Valley.

Because Wuming once said that Xia Qiu helped Wei Shuangshuang escape, it is not surprising that Xia Qiu has contact with Wei's family.

"You want to see Shuangshuang?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Sister Xiao glanced at Ning Huanxin and then at her husband.

At this time, Wei Shuangquan's face was very solemn, as if hesitated.

"In fact, Wei Shuangshuang's body cannot be solved by money, and the medical expenses for you are definitely astronomical."

Seeing Wei Shuangquan’s hesitation, Ning Huan was not in a hurry. She condensed a trace of spiritual power, and a white mist flashed on her fingertips: "In fact, Brother Yun and I are both members of the Profound Gate. The people here have already been solved by us. For many of the surviving subjects, Senior Brother Yun will also find a way to arrange them. If you believe me, take me to see Wei Shuangshuang. I think I should be able to help her."

The monk of Xuanmen!

Seeing Ning Huanxin's aura, Sister Xiao widened her eyes, and then turned her head nervously and excitedly to look at Wei Shuangquan: "Husband, maybe Miss Gu can really help Shuangshuang!"

"Okay, okay, I will take you to see Shuangshuang, I hope you don't hurt her, otherwise... even if I die, I will stop you."

Wei Shuangquan finally made a decision.

Ning Huanxin stood aside and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, you will definitely be grateful for your decision in the future."


After confessing that Sister Xiao was staying well at home, Wei Shuangquan took Ning Huanxin and left the house. He still drove the small white truck.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Ning Huanxin kept holding his mobile phone.

The WeChat task on her phone: Forbidden Land, has been shown to be completed.

The task was completed too smoothly this time, and hundreds of souls were saved at once, but this time, thanks to the memory and power of his previous life.

Otherwise, let alone completing the task, I am afraid that my own life will have to be accounted for.

Ning Huanxin felt unbelievable until now, that his previous life... actually was such a powerful existence.

Now Jiang Ziluo thought that she had completely recovered her memory and should not continue to trouble herself anymore. Ning Huanxin could finally wait for Jiang Lixing's return with peace of mind.

As for the messy scandals, Cui Can will definitely find Lin Chu to deal with it when he returns.

Regarding the Jiang family's affairs, Ning Huanxin won't take any action. After Jiang Lixing returns, the two will discuss the matter together.

"This section of the mountain road is not easy to walk. I will drive slowly. If Miss Gu feels bored, she can sleep."

Wei Shuangquan's voice suddenly rang in Ning Huanxin's ears, interrupting her thoughts.

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