Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1480: 1480: Back on track (2)

Monday, the weather is fine.

Ning Huanxin drove back to Yanbei University early in the morning.

After returning to school, she immediately went to the school office building and found Sui Yushu's office.

After many days of absence, Sui Yushu seems to be much better than before.

"Ms. Sui, I'm back."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Sui Yushu and said, "Teacher, you look so good, is there something good, right?"


Sui Yushu raised her eyes and glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Beibei is preparing for the operation this week. If the operation is successful, she will be able to go back to school and be like the other children."


Hearing Sui Yushu's words, Ning Huanxin immediately yelled happily: "That's great. When will she have an operation? I'm going to see her."

"Saturday, I will be with her all day long. If you have time, let's go there. If Beibei sees you, she will be very happy."

After that, Sui Yushu took out a large notebook: "These are the study notes for this period. You can take it back and read it. I will get off work late recently. You can come to my office to find me when you are not in class in the afternoon. What's wrong? Wherever I will, I will help you with tuition."

"Thank you Teacher Sui, then I will go back to class first!"

Ning Huanxin took the notes and went out of the office. He didn't expect that idols who were children would still receive such benefits.


After leaving the office building, Ning Huanxin directly called Pan Yingying.

"I know that you are back, I have taken a seat for you, come to class, everyone knows that you are back, so happy!"

On the phone, Pan Yingying's voice was very cheerful.

"You are from the support team...smiling, right?"

Ning Huan asked tentatively.

And Pan Yingying on the other end of the phone laughed immediately: "Haha, it's me! And Dongbin and Lin Jianping, they are my partners, our support group now has a lot of fans, and we will be yours in the future. Strong backing!"

"Well, it's nice to have you."

The youthful years, perhaps it should be like this.


Back at Yanbei University, Ning Huanxin felt that her life seemed to be back on track in an instant. She could study like ordinary students and recite questions like ordinary young people. She could have her own friends and girlfriends, and could make trouble. , Can be unscrupulous.

This is the most beautiful youth.

Of course, this kind of life is only a part of her life, and it is a very short part.

Ning Huanxin knew that there was still a long way to go.

The days finally calmed down, and two months passed in a blink of an eye——

Beibei has succeeded in the operation, recovered physically, and is active all day long.

A semester of study was coming to an end at this time. Ning Huanxin and Pan Yingying were buried in a sea of ​​problems all day long. She didn't want to fail the exam in the first semester of Yanbei University.

Ning Huanxin breathed a sigh of relief the moment she walked out of the exam room on exam day.

Finally finished the exam!

This time she did not use her spiritual power, nor did she cheat. She completed the final exam by relying on her daily study and the hard review and sprint before the exam.

At this time, there were not many people on the playground. Ning Huanxin came out of the examination room and felt very happy. She walked along the path of the school to the girls’ dormitory. When she reached the small forest, Ning Huanxin suddenly stopped. .

There was a breeze in the woods, and Ning Huan stopped under a tree with a solemn expression. She felt a very powerful and powerful aura in this wood.

There was a strong sense of familiarity in this cold breath.

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