Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1484: 1484: Jiang Lixing's surprise (3)

When did Jiang Lixing have another apprentice?

Ning Huanxin's eyes widened and looked curiously at the young man in front of him. This young man's body was astonishing, but this was not what Ning Huanxin cared most. What made her most concerned was that she actually felt that there was such a breath in this young man's breath. Diudiu, a familiar feeling.

"you are……"

Ning Huan frowned and looked at the boy in front of him carefully.

"Madam, my name is Zhang Nian."

Zhang Nian glanced at Ning Huanxin and whispered coldly.

Zhang Nian, last name Zhang?


Ning Huan's expression changed, and immediately looked at Jiang Lixing with an incredible expression: "You...you...you..."

Ning Huan was anxious and couldn't say anything, but Jiang Lixing just smiled, raised his hand and patted Zhang Nian's shoulder: "A-Nian, you will practice together with Junior Shuangshuang in the future. Shuangshuang is of pure Yang blood. You are my chosen successor. Your exercises seem to restrain each other, but in fact they can complement each other, practice against each other, and make progress faster!

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Nian obeyed Jiang Lixing's words. He walked slowly to Wei Shuangshuang and nodded at her. Then he stood aside coldly, his body straight.

It deserves to be taught by King Qin Guang!

"You guys, let's get acquainted with it, your wife and I will go out first!"

Jiang Lixing left Zhang Nian, took Ning Huanxin and walked out.

At this time, Zhang Nian had already reduced his yin energy, and looked no different from an ordinary teenager.

Jiang Lixing also removed the barrier and left the courtyard with Ning Huanxin.

"Axing, how did you do it? This Zhang Nian, is Li Yan's son?"

Ning Huanxin asked Jiang Lixing as he walked.

Just after Zhang Nian uttered her name, Ning Huan had an idea in her mind, and she finally remembered the source of that familiarity.

It was during my first WeChat mission in ten years of life and death. The first ghost I encountered in that mission was Li Yan and her child. That ghost infant was very yin-hearted, until now Ning Huanxin I vaguely remember his breath.

The Yin Qi on Zhang Nian's body was very similar to that of the ghost infant.

"Well, yes, he is Li Yan's son. Because of Zhang Xiao’s kindness to their mother and son, and Zhang Xiao’s relationship with his mother, he named himself Zhang Nian. I had already given Zhang Nian to him. Xiao and Li Yan went to reincarnation together, and promised that they would be a loving couple in the next life, but Zhang Nian was kept by me at that time because I found that he was the one I was looking for for many years."

Jiang Lixing looked at Ning Huanxin and smiled mysteriously: "Just like when you meet Wei Shuangshuang, everything is fixed."

Wei Shuangshuang was left by Ning Huanxin for the Gu family, and was her successor.

And Zhang Nian was also the heir that Jiang Lixing searched for for a long time, and was finally found by him——

He will not stay in the underworld forever.

And the underworld cannot live without King Qin Guang.

Therefore, Zhang Nian was carefully cultivated by Jiang Lixing, the next king of Qin Guang.

At the beginning, Emperor Fengdu took in Jiang Lixing. Jiang Lixing knew that even if he wanted to leave, he had to give the emperor an explanation. Now that he has cultivated a ghost emperor for him, he has repaid his grace of taking in thousands of years ago. .

Everything is definite.

Everything is fate.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin immediately understood.

"So you already had a plan, but... why did Zhang Nian suddenly grow up so big? What spell did you use?"

Ning Huanxin was still a little curious.

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